This intergrates almost natively with Laravel Eloquent. Goal is to create a uniform ODBC package for Laravel, but it can run standalone as well. It is a fork of the abram/laravel-odbc
This package does not use the odbc_*
functions, but the PDO
class to make the intergration with eloquent much easier and more flawless.
Goal of the package is to provide a generic way of connecting with a ODBC connection. Sometime we need to have a custom grammar(s) and Schema(s) to support a ODBC connection, e.g. like Snowflake.
Make sure you have PHP version 7.4+ installed.
composer require yoramdelangen/laravel-pdo-odbc
To add source in your project.
By default the package will be automaticly registered via the package:discover
Manual register service provider in app.php file
'providers' => [
Whenever you want to use the snowflake_pdo
PHP extension, follow there installation guide on setting it up.
Added support for
in version1.2.0
, it will still work without the snowflake extension.
Snowflake specific configuration There is some customization allowed with the Snowflake driver:
# when `false` it automaticly uppercases the column names
# When `true` it wraps the columns in double qoutes and makes them upper/lower case based on the input.
Currently we have the following driver flavours:
- odbc (generic)
- snowflake (via odbc and native via PHP extension).
- ....
Certain connections can have specific configuration issues we need to resolve before it works properly.
Currently there are 2 known issues/quirks for a Snowflake ODBC connection. When using snowflake PHP extension there aren't any quirks known, yet:
By default Snowflake ODBC executes DDL
statements in preparation. Meaning when sending a $stmt = $pdo->prepare('...');
to Snowflake it will automaticly execute. It's REQUIRED to disable this and Snowflake has a ODBC Driver configuration (NOT the DSN config) for it NoExecuteInSQLPrepare=true
. This option is available since version 2.21.6
Must be set in:
- Window: Non-unix environment.
- Unix:
Read more about it on the following:
- ODBC parameters.
- Changelog June 2020.
- [More about DDL]
: Data Definition Language, commands: ALTER, COMMENT, CREATE, DESCRIBE, DROP, SHOW, USE
Snowflake also doesn't support streaming bind values. Mainly when using ->prepare('..')
statment and following by $stmt->bindValue(...)
or $stmt->bindParam()
. We added a CustomStatement class to resolve this issue.
It's very simple to configure:
Add database to database.php file There are multiple ways to configure the ODBC connection:
Simple via DSN only:
'odbc-connection-name' => [
'driver' => 'odbc',
'dsn' => 'OdbcConnectionName', // odbc: will be prefixed
'username' => 'username',
'password' => 'password'
or when you do not have a datasource configured within your ODBC Manager:
'odbc-connection-name' => [
'driver' => 'odbc',
'dsn' => 'Driver={Your Snowflake Driver};;Port=443;Database={DatabaseName}',
'username' => 'username',
'password' => 'password'
Note: DSN
can be a absolute path to your driver file or the name registered withinodbcinst.ini
file/ODBC manager.
Or final way and dynamicly:
'odbc-connection-name' => [
'driver' => 'snowflake',
'odbc_driver' => '/opt/snowflake/snowflakeodbc/lib/universal/libSnowflake.dylib',
// 'odbc_driver' => 'Snowflake path Driver',
'server' => ''
// 'host' => '',
'username' => 'username',
'password' => 'password',
'warehouse' => 'warehouse name',
'schema' => 'PUBLIC', // majority odbc's is default
When using the PHP pdo_snowflake
extension the following options are required:
'snowflake_pdo' => [
'driver' => 'snowflake_native',
'account' => '{account_name}.eu-west-1',
'username' => '{username}',
'password' => '{password}',
'database' => '{database}',
'warehouse' => '{warehouse}',
'schema' => 'PUBLIC', // change it if necessary.
'options' => [
// required for Snowflake usage
\pdo::odbc_attr_use_cursor_library => \pdo::odbc_sql_use_driver
All fields will be dynamicly added to the DSN connection string, except the following:
driver, odbc_driver, options, username, password
these will be filtered from the DSN (for now).
Note: DSN
can be a absolute path to your driver file or the name registered withinodbcinst.ini
file/ODBC manager.
You can use Laravel, Eloquent ORM and other Illuminate's components as usual.
# Facade
$books = DB::connection('odbc-connection-name')->table('books')->where('Author', 'Abram Andrea')->get();
$books = Book::where('Author', 'Abram Andrea')->get();
If you want to provide a custom getLastInsertId() function, you can extends ODBCProcessor class and override function.
class CustomProcessor extends ODBCProcessor
* @param Builder $query
* @param null $sequence
* @return mixed
public function getLastInsertId(Builder $query, $sequence = null)
return $query->getConnection()->table($query->from)->latest('id')->first()->getAttribute($sequence);
To use another class instead default one you can update your connection in:
'odbc-connection-name' => [
'driver' => 'odbc',
'dsn' => 'OdbcConnectionName',
'username' => 'username',
'password' => 'password',
'options' => [
'processor' => Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors\Processor::class, //default
'grammar' => [
'query' => Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars\Grammar::class, //default
'schema' => Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars\Grammar::class //default
In case you having problems with certain queries executed twice see ticket #8.
This error can occure on Mac OS. Make sure you have the PHP extensions odbc
If you got the error internal error, unexpected SHLIBEXT value
you should change the used cursor library:
'odbc-connection-name' => [
'driver' => 'odbc',
'dsn' => 'Driver={Your Snowflake Driver};', // odbc: will be prefixed
// ....
'options' => [
// or
// 1000 => 2
Check other options here