This is a collection of (mostly) pen-and-paper exercises in machine learning. Each exercise comes with a detailed solution. The following topics are covered:
- linear algebra
- optimisation
- directed graphical models
- undirected graphical models
- expressive power of graphical models
- factor graphs and message passing
- inference for hidden Markov models
- model-based learning (including ICA and unnormalised models)
- sampling and Monte-Carlo integration
- variational inference
A compiled pdf is available on arXiv.
Please use the following reference for citations:
author = {Michael U. Gutmann},
title = {Pen and Paper Exercises in Machine Learning},
institution = {University of Edinburgh},
year = {2022},
arxiv = {},
url = {},
The work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Under linux, you can compile the collection with make
. To remove temporary files, use make clean
By default, the compiled document includes the solutions for the exercises. To
compile a document without the solutions, comment \SOLtrue
and uncomment
in main.tex
Please use GitHub's issues to report mistakes or typos. I would welcome community contributions. The main idea is to provide exercises together with detailed solutions. Please get in touch to discuss options. My contact information is available here.
The tikz settings are based on macros kindly shared by David
The macros were partly used for his book Bayesian Reasoning and Machine
I make use of the ethuebung
developed by Philippe Faist. I hacked the style file to support multiple
chapters and inclusion of the exercises in a table of contents. I developed
parts of the linear algebra and optimisation exercises for the course
Unsupervised Machine
Learning at the
University of Helsinki and the remaining exercises for the course Probabilistic
Modelling and Reasoning at
the University of Edinburgh.