- 35466d4 Bugfix: UNSTABLE is also a kind of Alive (#87)
- b9491e6 Generate parent folder before downloading (#86)
- 8a15a41 Convert to number before comparing (#84)
- ccab9f1 Update ADO extension to adapt to private Blob (#83)
- 4377c63 Update Gradle plugin to adapt to private Blob (#82)
- e6b363a Upgrade blob service to adapt to private blob (#81)
- 81fbe76 Add Germey as the Microsoft Give Sponsor of Hydra Lab (#80)
- eb5ccb6 Give auction campaign redeem (#78)
- ca47af4 Lsh/upgrade gradle plugin (#77)
- b4da73b Lsh/upgrade gradle plugin (#76)
See More
- 96f6278 Lsh/upgrade gradle plugin (#75)
- 22be119 Scrub the sensitive info of args (#74)
- 764c274 Update:version schema design (#73)
- 6601d06 Fix Test Report View blank (#72)
- 41c7b05 Update: add release tag to the build pipeline of Release branchs (#71)
- b323306 Lsh/upgrade gradle plugin (#70)
- d19b14d Upgrade gradle plugin version to 1.0.27; (#69)
- f2fc44a Change Hydar Lab alert banner (#68)
- b0e8205 Create codeql.yml
- 010f37b Update: custom the runner of espresso (#67)
- d37a00e Change USER's own default TEAM in front-end (#66)
- d45c9c6 Upgrade font-page to integrate with new file set (#64)
- 6faf82c Add default team query API (#65)
- 351f5ff Update the pipeline url in github page (#63)
- 3578576 Update email alert template (#62)
- 5fdd9bf Bump json-schema and jsprim in /react (#61)
- 12ee4aa Bump url-parse from 1.5.3 to 1.5.10 in /react (#58)
- 7169744 Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 in /react (#28)
- 36836ec Bump eventsource from 1.1.0 to 1.1.2 in /react (#27)
- 8455b1f Bump nanoid from 3.1.29 to 3.3.4 in /react (#57)
- 808a398 Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 in /react (#33)
- 4cc9be0 Bump terser from 4.8.0 to 4.8.1 in /react (#34)
- cbb056a Update (#47)
- ce0a07f Lsh/set user default team (#55)
- 697241a Update (#56)
- ee277a5 Fix azure-pipelines-ci.yml bug (#54)
- 6fd8000 feature: release packages if not PR triggered (#51)
- 8bbd34b Hydra Lab VSTS Extension V2 (#50)
- b08e23c Add comment to declare the format of username (#53)
- 52cd762 1. Fix Copy Token Fail (#52)
- d66a8a0 Add NPE check for TestTask running authentication pre check (#48)
- 55b2ec3 Delete HydraLab-CI.yml (#44)
- c68640c Create HydraLab-CI.yml
- 1eb5555 Add comment to ignore CodeQL alert (#42)
- cffd5f4 init the session of defaultuser (#41)
- af28dd3 Updated gradle plugin version to 1.0.25 (#40)
- 5a885a9 Pick T2C browser support (#36)
- 9080a68 Upload vsts extension for hydra lab (#37)
- 858b013 update the copyright info of .java files (#32)
- 7403df9 Add copyright (#31)
- cadaa57 Migrate css style code (#16)
- b9995e8 Add migrated code for appium test runner (#15)
- 0615b27 Migrate the code under my ownership from AzureDevOps to Github for op… (#18)
- b3ef1b5 Mitigate common\src\main\java\com\microsoft\hydralab\common\logger src code (#17)
- a3533ca Add HydraLab android client (#25)
- 28981ae Add controller and screen (#26)
- 8dab633 Add front-end related files (#22)
- f5f8540 First Pick to GitHub (#20)
- d5cd7c7 Migrate code from ADO to GitHub (#19)
- 8b9ec2b Add ADO code to GitHub for open source (#24)
- 5e33199 Revert "add: push code to github"
- ebf7660 add: push code to github
- 422edf4 update font to Segoe UI
- 134b2c4 Fixed bug pictures unloaded
- 48f35b1 Fixed bug pictures unloaded
- f6eb6e1 Fixed bug pictures unloaded
- d68daf1 Fixed bug pictures unloaded
- cca0c99 Fixed bug pictures unloaded
- da899ad Fixed bug pictures unloaded
- 2ca1ccb Fixed bug pictures unloaded
- 7f2978a Fixed bug pictures unloaded
- 44cec23 update url
- 71ef325 update url
- 61701ce update baseUrl
- e70fce6 Add page
- 0ceb9ea Add T2C Runner
- 96685f2 Upload windows agent installer
- 33350a4 Merge pull request #3 from microsoft/taoran/readme
- 75e0513 Fix
- 9d39849 Update
- 9f19c10 Resolve comments.
- a6b0613 Update
- fb54f2e Resolve comments
- b4d76ae Merge branch 'main' into taoran/readme
- 3fe0b59 Move images to doc folder
- dae7eb9 Fix
- d7af3d3 Format
- ba2352c The outline of
- cf10c62 Update
- 8ec750e Create
- 11ba2c7 Set theme jekyll-theme-cayman
- 963fe12 Update README content.
- b2305d7 Remove TOC in the README and restructure the content.
- eb60f1c Update README content and add images for banner, logos and technique architecture.
- fa82edb committed
- ef568e8 committed
- f4daa74 committed
- 1161181 LICENSE committed
- cf573b8 committed
This list of changes was auto generated.