Add -nv --no-clobber to toolchain wget
Add a comment to ensure scan vendors are contacted before any rpm que…
Add compiler-rt package for clang options like code coverage to work
Add config to create qcow image
Add iwd package version 1.22
Add lensfun package version 0.3.2
Add libnetfilter_log SPEC to Mariner
Add package suitesparse version 5.4.0
Add patch to sqlite to resolve CVE-2022-46908
Add toolkit ccache support with USE_CCACHE
Added selinux-policy
macros to fix openvswitch-selinux-policy
Added the Linux Test Project kernel testing tools.
Adding in the hwdata and gawk dependencies
Backport upstream fix in containerd to add ptrace readby and tracedby to default AppArmor profile
Change "demo" to "tutorial" wording changes (CBL-MarinerDemo Repo renamed to CBL-MarinerTutorials)
Clear Kernel CVE-1999-0656 and CVE-2007-4998
Corrected typo in building instructions
Enable Generic Target Core Mod in kernel
Enable hibernation in kernel
Enable transparent hugepage for kernel-mshv
Extended Boost with the boost_stacktrace_backtrace
Fix CVE-2022-41880 and CVE-2022-41900: Update TensorFlow to 2.11.0
Fix apache-commons-compress package install failure due to missing runtime dependency
Fix certain failing python tests by specifying explicity tox version (packages cannot use tox 4.0.0+)
Fix generation 2 boot order during iso installation
Fix nodejs SPEC file to reference artistic 2.0 license
Fix rubygem-bundler provides with obsoletes
Gate systemd's preset-all so it runs only on first install
Improved ltp
package clean-up.
Mitigate CVE-2022-4144 by avoiding buffer overrun in qxl_phys2virt
Moving php-pear to core & adding php-pecl-zip
Patch QEMU to fix CVE-2022-3872
Patch curl to resolve CVE-2022-43551 and CVE-2022-43552
Patch emacs for CVE-2022-45939
Patch golang to resolve CVE-2022-41717
Patch helm to address CVE-2022-23525 and CVE-2022-23526
Patch libconfuse for CVE-2022-40320
Patch python3 for CVE-2022-37454
Patch python3 for CVE-2022-42919
Patch python3 for CVE-2022-45061
Patch systemd to address CVE-2022-45873
Patched llvm
to fix periodic crashes during DWARF finalization
Reduce initrd image size in Mariner 2.0
Removed libbacktrace.a from the default gcc
Update CH to v28.0, kernel-mshv to v5.15.80
Update TensorFlow correct package name
Update heimdal for CVE-2022-41916
Update k3s vendor tarball with the corrected versions of the dependencies
Update strongswan for CVE-2022-40617
Updated Microsoft trusted root CAs. Release: October 2022 (2022-12-05).
Upgrade Blobfuse2 to 2.0.1
Upgrade Kernel to to fix CVE-2022-1204, CVE-2022-2785, CVE-2022-3104 CVE-2022-3105 CVE-2022-3106 CVE-2022-3107 CVE-2022-3108 CVE-2022-3110 CVE-2022-3111 CVE-2022-3112 CVE-2022-3113 CVE-2022-3115, CVE-2022-3344, CVE-2022-3586, CVE-2022-3595, CVE-2022-3910, CVE-2022-4127, CVE-2022-40768, CVE-2022-41849, CVE-2022-41850, CVE-2022-43945, CVE-2022-45869,
Upgrade bazel to version 5.3.2
Upgrade moby-containerd to 1.6.12 to fix CVE-2022-23471
Upgrade nodejs to version 16.18.1 to fix CVE-2022-43548
Upgrade ruby to version 3.1.3 to resolve CVE-2021-33621
Note on Rubygem-bundler w/tdnf:
"tdnf install ruby rubygem-bundler" will complain that ruby obsoletes the rubygem and won't install even though the provides are the same and the version is a strict upgrade.
"tdnf install rubygem-bundler" will install old ruby + the gem, then "tdnf update ruby" will correctly swap to the new one and obsolete the gem. DNF handles this situation correctly, but TDNF does not.