Import MagicaVoxel vox format file to Unreal Engine 5.
Unreal Engine 5 5.1 or later.
MagicaVoxel or lower (Not support 0.99.7 features now).
Import voxel objects to StaticMesh, DestructibleMesh or Voxel. No need to use other digital content creation tool.
Generate static mesh from voxel data, texture from vox file or default palette and generate simple material for the mesh.
Can layout to the world.
Mesh generation use a monotone decomposition algorithm.
DestructibleMesh is not support in UE5. Trying to support Chaos destruction.
Generate destructible mesh from voxel data and fracture meshes to destructible component, texture from vox file or default palette and generate simple material for the mesh.
Can layout and destruct to cell use PhysX not use APEX Destruction PhysXLab.
Generate voxel asset based instanced static mesh component and auto generate cube mesh and material to use to call per palette.
Can use middle size building blocks or rideable terrain on the world.
If no need to access to Voxel Actor. Can remove runtime module from uplugin and packaging with out runtime module.
First person template based demo.
Drag & Drop vox file to content panel or open import dialog and select MagicaVoxel(*.vox) files.
cd {YourUnrealProject}
git clone ./Plugins/VOX4U
Or add submodule to your project.
cd {YourUnrealProject}
git submodule add ./Plugins/VOX4U
Binary release is Here. Download and copy binaries to {YourUnrealProject}/Plugins/VOX4U. If create package without c++ access. Copy to Engine/Plugins/Runtime directory.