Nev programming language the start of next generation programming languages that add a lot of features to make it fun to use:
- final type
- tagged variable(param)
- polymorphism in types and functions even with param
- better multithreading system
- awesome libraies system
- libraries in language have setting(like flags)
- language is just a kernal u can change anything around it
- awesome syntax
- Easy readable syntax
- Nev is TOP language(type oriented programming)
- Safe
- Had built-in Concurrency system
- High performance on par with C
- Null Safety
- Generate small executable files
- FormalChecks feature That should be used in any company or team to make code look more formally
- Compile-time support
- Human-readable C/JS backends
- Easy to use c libraries(as built-in nev) and to build it
- Flexible memory management(auto free, GC, arena allocation, RALL)
- XMLdeclaration support(like xaml in .net but easier to enable for libraries)
- Thanks to hesham for helping me in understanding how some things work in programming languages