A role to set up HAProxy to be used as a load balancer in a high availability and scalability context.
Currently supported platforms are:
- Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
This role is tested against the two latest LTS versions of HAProxy. Currently, this results in official support for the HAProxy release series:
Other versions are known to work as well but are not automatically tested.
Specify a list of backends with name and IP address (Port is optional, defaults to 80
- backend_name: 'backend_server_1'
backend_ip: ''
backend_port: '80'
Specify the floating IP address of the frontend:
haproxy_frontend_ip: ''
Sets number of processors used by HAProxy:
haproxy_nbproc: '1'
Sets number of threads used by HAProxy:
haproxy_nbthread: '2'
Mapping threads to CPU cores:
haproxy_cpumap: 'auto:1/1-2 0-1'
Variable to enable or disable the stats:
haproxy_stats_enable: 'enable'
Variable to hold the stats admin user name:
haproxy_stats_admin_user: 'admin'
Variable to hold the stats admin user password:
haproxy_stats_admin_user_password: 'changeme'
Path variable pointing to the location of the HAProxy executable:
haproxy_executable_path: '/usr/sbin/haproxy'
Variable to pin the PPA version to a certain value:
haproxy_ppa_version: 'ppa:vbernat/haproxy-2.6'
Variable to pin the HAProxy version to a certain value:
haproxy_version: '2.6.*'
Variable to specify the HAProxy system user:
haproxy_user: 'haproxy'
Variable to specify the HAProxy system group:
haproxy_group: 'haproxy'
List of HAProxy dependencies to be installed:
- 'software-properties-common'
Name of the HAProxy binary:
haproxy_name: 'haproxy'
Provide the path to the HAProxy configuration template:
haproxy_config_template: 'haproxy.cfg.j2'
Give the path to the HAProxy configuration directory:
haproxy_conf_dir: '/etc/haproxy/'
Give the path to the HAProxy configuration file:
haproxy_conf_file_path: "/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg"
Give the path to the HAProxy logging socket:
haproxy_log_socket: '/dev/log'
Specify the log level of HAProxy.
Possible values are:
emerg, alert, crit, err, warning, notice, info, debug
haproxy_log_level: 'info'
Give the path to the HAProxy socket file:
haproxy_socket: '/run/haproxy/admin.sock'
Wether to create a self-signed SSL certificate:
haproxy_create_self_signed_cert: true
Set country to be used for the SSL certificate:
haproxy_country_name: 'DE'
Set state to be used for the SSL certificate:
haproxy_state_or_province_name: 'Saxony'
Set locality to be used for the SSL certificate:
haproxy_locality_name: 'Dresden'
Set organization to be used for the SSL certificate:
haproxy_organization_name: 'Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)'
Set organization unit to be used for the SSL certificate:
haproxy_organizational_unit_name: 'FWCC / Computational Science'
Set email address to be used for the SSL certificate:
haproxy_email_address: '[email protected]'
Set common name to be used for the SSL certificate:
haproxy_common_name: 'Helmholtz Association'
Give the path to the HAProxy SSL directory:
haproxy_ssl_certificate_dir: '/etc/haproxy/ssl'
Give the path to the HAProxy Private Key file:
haproxy_ssl_certificate_key_file: "/etc/haproxy/ssl/haproxy.key"
Give the path to the HAProxy Certificate Signing Request file:
haproxy_ssl_certificate_csr_file: '/etc/haproxy/ssl/haproxy.csr'
Give the path to the HAProxy Certificate file:
haproxy_ssl_certificate_crt_file: "/etc/haproxy/ssl/haproxy.crt"
Give the path to the HAProxy PKCS12 file:
haproxy_ssl_certificate_pkcs12_file: "/etc/haproxy/ssl/haproxy.p12"
Give the path to the HAProxy Certificate Chain file:
haproxy_ssl_certificate_chain_file: "/etc/haproxy/ssl/haproxy.pem"
Give the path to the HAProxy Certificate Chain source file on the control node which will be copied to the remote host:
haproxy_ssl_cert_chain_src_file_path: "haproxy.pem"
Note: This variable is mandatory when haproxy_create_self_signed_cert
set to false
. The file should be PEM formatted and include at least the
public certificate and the private key.
Give the path to the DH Parameter file:
haproxy_ssl_dhparam_file: "/etc/haproxy/ssl/dhparam.pem"
Size (in bits) of the generated DH-params:
haproxy_ssl_dhparam_size: 4096
Note: This role is intended for use with, but not limited to, the hifis.keepalived role.
- hosts: loadbalancers
- role: hifis.haproxy
haproxy_frontend_ip: ''
- backend_name: 'backend_server_1'
backend_ip: ''
backend_port: 80
We would like to thank and give credits to the following contributors of this project:
- Be the first to be named here!