'CodeLink' is a social networking platform for developers to meet and share their skills. Users can create a profile, update it, fetch their github repositories and add it to their portfolio, add skills to their profile, follow the news and engage on a discussion board by adding projects and interacting with them via likes and comments. Although the team attempted authentication integration, it remained a work-in-progress by project end.
Be sure to watch this little intro video into CodeLink
Before running this project, ensure you have installed the following software on your machine:
Make sure your postgreSQL server is running.
For local development we used a .env file to hold local environment properties like the database connection.
Set the following in your .env
We used the following:
Furthermore, a News API Key is needed. Register on the site newsapi.org to get one.
Run the command to install node packages based on your local environment (e.g. 'npm install') in /client and /server. Following commands assume you are in the root folder.
npm install
Start the server:
cd ./server
npm install
npm run dev
To interact with the postgreSQL db we used Prisma studio and had a good experience with it. You can use it by running:
cd ./server
npx prisma studio
cd ./client
npm install
npm run dev
- Typescript
- Express
- PostgreSQL
- Prisma.io
- Next.js
- Cyprss
- Jest
- Superetest
- auth0
The work on this project has ended.
- Github: @miriamCodes
- Github: @adamlebreee
- Github: @P-C-R-P
- Github: @flores5545