This is a polyfill for the fetch
API on Google Apps Script. This polyfill is forked from github/fetch and modified to work on Google Apps Script.
The compitability of fetch-google-apps-script-ponyfill is not good enough for me, so I created this polyfill.
npm install gas-fetch-polyfill
import 'gas-fetch-polyfill';
await fetch('');
You can also use this as a ponyfill.
import { fetch } from 'gas-fetch-polyfill/ponyfill';
await fetch('');
This polyfill makes it possible to use Hono Client on Google Apps Script.
import 'gas-fetch-polyfill';
import { hc } from 'hono/client';
import type { AppType } from './server';
export const client = hc<AppType>(
{ fetch }
Most libraries are not bundled with their dependencies, but gas-fetch-polyfill
is bundled with its dependencies. This is because the dependencies of gas-fetch-polyfill
and event-target-shim
) are not supported exports
and module
fields in package.json
I bundled this so that there is no need to do any special configuration.
Status | Remarks | |
Request() constructor |
✅ | |
Request.prototype.body |
❌ | ReadableStream is not supported on GAS |
Request.prototype.bodyUsed |
✅ | |
Request.prototype.cache |
❌ | |
Request.prototype.credentials |
❌ | |
Request.prototype.destination |
❌ | |
Request.prototype.headers |
✅ | |
Request.prototype.integrity |
❌ | |
Request.prototype.isHistoryNavigation |
❌ | |
Request.prototype.keepalive |
❌ | |
Request.prototype.method |
✅ | Normalize to lowercase |
Request.prototype.mode |
❌ | |
Request.prototype.redirect |
❌ | |
Request.prototype.referrer |
❌ | |
Request.prototype.referrerPolicy |
❌ | |
Request.prototype.signal |
✅ | |
Request.prototype.url |
✅ | |
Request.prototype.arrayBuffer() |
✅ | |
Request.prototype.blob() |
Retuning GAS Blob | |
Request.prototype.bytes() |
❌ | |
Request.prototype.clone() |
✅ | |
Request.prototype.formData() |
❌ | |
Request.prototype.json() |
✅ | |
Request.prototype.text() |
✅ |
Status | Remarks | |
Response() constructor |
✅ | |
Response.error() |
✅ | type is "error" |
Response.json() |
❌ | |
Response.redirect() |
✅ | |
Response.prototype.body |
❌ | ReadableStream is not supported on GAS |
Response.prototype.bodyUsed |
✅ | |
Response.prototype.headers |
✅ | |
Reponse.prototype.ok |
✅ | |
Response.prototype.redirected |
✅ | |
Response.prototype.status |
✅ | |
Response.prototype.statusText |
✅ | |
Response.prototype.type |
Always be "default" |
Response.prototype.url |
✅ | |
Response.prototype.arrayBuffer() |
✅ | |
Response.prototype.blob() |
Retuning GAS Blob | |
Response.prototype.bytes() |
❌ | |
Response.prototype.clone() |
✅ | |
Response.prototype.formData() |
❌ | |
Response.prototype.json() |
✅ | |
Response.prototype.text() |
✅ |
Status | Remarks | |
Headers() constructor |
✅ | |
[Symbol.iterator] | ✅ | |
Headers.prototype.append() |
✅ | |
Headers.prototype.delete() |
✅ | |
Headers.prototype.entries() |
✅ | |
Headers.prototype.forEach() |
✅ | |
Headers.prototype.get() |
✅ | |
Headers.prototype.getSetCookie() |
❌ | |
Headers.prototype.has() |
✅ | |
Iteration combines duplicate header names | ✅ | |
Iteration is lexicographically sorted | ❌ | |
Headers.prototype.keys() |
✅ | |
Headers.prototype.set() |
✅ | |
Headers.prototype.values() |
✅ |
Status | Remarks | |
URL() constructor |
✅ | |
URL.parse() |
❌ | |
URL.canParse() |
❌ | |
URL.createObjectURL() |
❌ | |
URL.revokeObjectURL() |
❌ | |
URL.prototype.hash |
✅ | | |
❌ | |
URL.prototype.hostname |
✅ | |
URL.prototype.href |
✅ | |
URL.prototype.origin |
✅ | |
URL.prototype.password |
✅ | |
URL.prototype.pathname |
✅ | |
URL.prototype.port |
✅ | |
URL.prototype.protocol |
✅ | | |
✅ | |
URL.prototype.searchParams |
❌ | |
URL.prototype.username |
❌ | |
URL.prototype.toJSON() |
❌ | |
URL.prototype.toString() |
✅ |
Status | Remarks | |
URLSearchParams() constructor |
✅ | |
URLSearchParams.prototype.size |
❌ | |
URLSearchParams.prototype.append() |
✅ | |
URLSearchParams.prototype.delete() |
✅ | |
URLSearchParams.prototype.entries() |
✅ | |
URLSearchParams.prototype.forEach() |
✅ | |
URLSearchParams.prototype.get() |
✅ | |
URLSearchParams.prototype.getAll() |
✅ | |
URLSearchParams.prototype.has() |
✅ | |
URLSearchParams.prototype.keys() |
✅ | |
URLSearchParams.prototype.set() |
✅ | |
URLSearchParams.prototype.sort() |
❌ | |
URLSearchParams.prototype.values() |
✅ | |
URLSearchParams.prototype.toString() |
✅ |
and AbortSignal
are implemented using the mysticatea/abort-controller.
Status | Remarks | |
AbortController() constructor |
✅ | |
AbortController.prototype.signal |
✅ | |
AbortController.prototype.abort() |
✅ |
Status | Remarks | |
AbortSignal.abort() |
❌ | |
AbortSignal.any() |
❌ | |
AbortSignal.timeout() |
❌ | |
AbortSignal.prototype.aborted |
✅ | |
AbortSignal.prototype.reason |
❌ | |
AbortSignal.prototype.onabort |
✅ | |
AbortSignal.prototype.addEventListener() |
✅ | |
AbortSignal.prototype.removeEventListener() |
✅ | |
AbortSignal.prototype.dispatchEvent() |
✅ | |
AbortSignal.prototype.throwIfAborted() |
❌ |
src/fetch.ts is based on github/fetch and is licensed under MIT.
The bundled code includes abort-controller and event-target-shim. They are licensed under MIT.