This plugin displays information from the Metadata Coverage Report for metadata files in a SFDX project.
It retrieves the metadata coverage information from the same Salesforce API that is used to render the Metadata Coverage Report. This API is not officially documented by Salesforce, hence, can change at any time which will break this plugin. Therefore, use this plugin at your own risk.
If you have a team delivering a Salesforce implementation and you have chosen a delivery approach involving unlocked packages then you have probably setup multiple package directories for metadata files to go into different unlocked packages or to be part of a metadata package for anything that can not be included in an unlocked package at that time. You want to make sure that you detect early when somebody on your team has accidentally added a new metadata file to a package directory corresponding to an unlocked package but where the same metadata file is not supported for unlocked packaging. The Metadata Coverage Report can tell you but you still have to look for these new metadata files and check the Metadata Coverage Report for them. This plugin can automate this process for you.
Maybe you plan to modernise an existing Salesforce implementation which exists as a source code repository but is still of the happy-soup kind of implementation, e.g. all customizations in one large implementation and deployments using the Metadata API for full or incremental deployments. Now you're planning to modularise this big implementation into several unlocked packages and ask yourself how much additional work you have to do for parts of the implementation that are not supported in unlocked packages. This plugin can provide you with a detailed list of components that are not supported by the targeted deployment mechanism. (To be clear, this plugin is not targeted at helping find the right componentisation of your implementation into individual unlocked packages).
$ sfdx plugins:install
You will be prompted with a warning:
This plugin is not digitally signed and its authenticity cannot be verified. Continue installation y/n?
This plugins code is not officially signed by Salesforce, hence the warning during plugin installation. See Install Trusted Unsigned Plug-Ins Automatically in the Salesforce CLI Setup Guide for more information.
Please report any issues at
sfdx mdcoverage:report [-d <directory>] [--showuncovered] [--checkmetadataapi] [--checksourcetracking] [--checkunlockedpackagingwithoutnamespace] [--checkunlockedpackagingwithnamespace] [--checkmanagedpackaging] [--checkchangesets] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]
displays metadata coverage information for metadata files in a SFDX project
$ sfdx mdcoverage:report [-d <directory>] [--showuncovered] [--checkmetadataapi] [--checksourcetracking]
[--checkunlockedpackagingwithoutnamespace] [--checkunlockedpackagingwithnamespace] [--checkmanagedpackaging]
[--checkchangesets] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel
-d, --sourcepath=sourcepath comma-separated list of paths to
scan for metadata files
--apiversion=apiversion override the api version used for
api requests made by this command
--checkchangesets Check for Change Sets coverage
--checkmanagedpackaging Check for Managed Packaging coverage
--checkmetadataapi Check for Metadata Api coverage
--checksourcetracking Check for Source Tracking coverage
--checkunlockedpackagingwithnamespace Check for Unlocked Packaging (with
Namespace) coverage
--checkunlockedpackagingwithoutnamespace Check for Unlocked Packaging
(without Namespace) coverage
--json format output as json
--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for
this command invocation
--showuncovered show only metadata files that are
uncovered by (any of) the selected
deployment methods
Displays metadata coverage information for the metadata files in the current project.
Detects metadata files in all package directories of the current project. Use --sourcepath to print metadata coverage
information for a subset of metadata files in specific folders only.
Use one of the --check... flags to display coverage information for the specified deployment method.
Use --showuncovered to display only metadata files that are not covered by the selected deployment method(s).
$ sfdx mdcoverage:report
Finding metadata coverage information for metadata files... done
Type Name Folder Metadata Api Source Tracking Unlocked Packaging (without
Namespace) Unlocked Packaging (with Namespace) Managed Packaging Change Sets
----------- -------------- --------------------- ------------ ---------------
-------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------- -----------
ApexClass LogManager.cls main/default/classes true true true
true true true
Profile Admin.profile main/default/profiles true true true
true true false
$ sfdx mdcoverage:report -d force-app/main/default/classes,force-app/main/default/profiles
Finding metadata coverage information for metadata files... done
Type Name Folder Metadata Api Source Tracking Unlocked Packaging
(without Namespace) Unlocked Packaging (with Namespace) Managed Packaging Change Sets
----------- -------------- ------------------------------- ------------ ---------------
-------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------- -----------
ApexClass LogManager.cls force-app/main/default/classes true true true
true true true
Profile Admin.profile force-app/main/default/profiles true true true
true true false
$ sfdx mdcoverage:report --checkmetadataapi --checkunlockedpackagingwithoutnamespace --checkchangesets --showuncovered
Finding metadata coverage information for metadata files... done
Type Name Folder Metadata Api Unlocked Packaging (without Namespace)
Change Sets
----------- -------------- ------------------------------- ------------ --------------------------------------
Profile Admin.profile force-app/main/default/profiles true true
See code: src/commands/mdcoverage/report.ts
MIT (c) Magnus Kreth
For full license text, see file LICENSE.txt.