# Install the all packages with their dependencies
uv sync --all-packages
- reference terraform template
- pulumi/terraform
# system deps
brew install pulumi uv node
# aws cdk
npm install -g aws-cdk@latest
# python deps
bash ./run install
# cdk infra
bash ./run cdk-deploy
# register the orchestrator
cd orchestrator
uv sync
uvx zenml init
uv run zenml orchestrator flavor register sfn_orchestrator.sfn_orchestrator_flavor.StepFunctionsOrchestratorFlavor
# uv zenml orchestrator register aws_step_functions --flavor aws_step_functions
cd ..
# pulumi infra
pulumi config set aws:profile sbox
pulumi config set aws:profile us-west-2
pulumi config set zenml:serverUrl https://<tenant>.cloudinfra.zenml.io
# pulumi config set --secret zenml:apiKey eyJp... # service connector
bash ./run pulumi-login-local
bash ./run pulumi-up
# Set the stack
uv run -- zenml stack set sfn-s3-ecr
# run the pipeline 🎉
uv run simple_pipeline.py