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NeoVim As IDE with me

the main goal of this project is to make it easier for vscode users to migrate to neovim as a day-to-day IDE using best of neovim plugin



  • need to install git, nodejs, neovim, pynvim > 0.5
  • (optional) c compiler and make for compile better highlighting and language parser in neovim nvim-treesitter
  • just clone this repo
git clone ~/.config/nvim
  • and run neovim, and viola



Some of the shortcuts I use frequently are listed here. In the following shortcuts, <leader> represents ASCII character ,.

Shortcut Mode Description
<ctrl>p Normal Fuzzy file searching in a floating window
<ctrl>n Normal Open sidebar file explorer
<ctrl>t Normal New file
<ctrl>PageDown / <ctrl>PageUp Normal Change tab to next and prev
<space>bd Normal Close Buffer / File
<alt>i / F1 / F2 Normal Toogle floating terminal
<space>coc Normal Open coc helpers list with FZF
<space>P Normal Open list of coc commands
F8 Normal Toogle sidebar tags explorer
<space>rr Normal Run current file by code_runner.nvim
<space>git Normal Run lazygit(install lazygit first) code_runner.nvim