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Apple Website Clone using React GSAP Three.js

A modern website that combines smooth animations with GSAP, 3D effects with Three.js, and the power of React to create an interactive user experience. This project is styled using Tailwind CSS for fast, responsive design and integrated with Sentry for error tracking.

Key Technologies

  • React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • GSAP: Powerful animation library for creating high-performance animations.
  • Three.js: 3D graphics library that enables rendering 3D content on the web.
  • Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for building custom designs.
  • Sentry: Error tracking and performance monitoring tool for real-time application diagnostics.


  • Smooth animations with GSAP
  • 3D interactive elements powered by Three.js
  • Responsive design with Tailwind CSS
  • Real-time error tracking with Sentry

Live Demo

You can view the live version of the app here: Apple React GSAP Three.js