- Mojaloop Helm Charts
- http://mojaloop.io/helm/repo/ Mojaloop Published Helm Repo
- Documentation - Deploying Mojaloop
- Helm v3 Docs
- Changelogs
Add Helm dependency repositories:
helm repo add stable https://charts.helm.sh/stable helm repo add incubator https://charts.helm.sh/incubator helm repo add kiwigrid https://kiwigrid.github.io helm repo add kokuwa https://kokuwaio.github.io/helm-charts helm repo add elastic https://helm.elastic.co helm repo add codecentric https://codecentric.github.io/helm-charts helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami helm repo add mojaloop-charts https://mojaloop.github.io/charts/repo helm repo add redpanda https://charts.redpanda.com
Add Mojaloop repo
helm repo add mojaloop https://mojaloop.io/helm/repo/
Keep your local Mojaloop repo up to date
helm repo update
It is recommended and it is a best practice that you deploy each External Backend Dependencies (i.e. MySQL, Kafka, MongoDB, etc) as a separate deployment as to ensure that each deployment is operationally isolated and maintainable.
We have provided an example Helm Wrapper chart that packages all dependencies, called the example-mojaloop-backend Helm chart. The example-mojaloop-backend is provided purely for convenience and should only be used for PoC environments, and for testing purposes. You can also use this as a reference to determine which External Dependency Helm charts can be utilized for this purpose, and how to potentially configure them.
Refer to example-mojaloop-backend/README.md#installation on how to deploy the example-mojaloop-backend
The following Helm Charts have the following external dependencies:
Chart | Dependency | Notes |
Account-Lookup-Service | MySQL | |
Quoting-Service | MySQL | |
ML-API-Adapter | Kafka | |
Central-Ledger | Kafka, MySQL, MongoDB | |
Central-Settlements | MySQL | |
Central-Event-Processor | Kafka, MongoDB | |
Transaction-Request-Service | N/A | |
Thirdparty Auth-Service | Redis, MySQL | |
Thirdparty Consent Oracle | MySQL | |
Thirdparty SDK | N/A | |
Simulator | N/A | |
Mojaloop-Simulator | Redis | There is a dependency on Redis, however due to the dynamic nature of the Mojaloop-Simulator, a Redis container will be created dynamically for each configured Simulator. |
Mojaloop-Testing-Toolkit | MongoDB | |
Mojaloop-TTK-Simulators | Redis, MongoDB | |
SDK-Scheme-Adapter | Redis, Kafka | |
Bulk-API-Adapter | Kafka, MongoDB | |
Deploy the Mojaloop chart
This chart is a "Wrapper" chart that packages the core Mojaloop components that one would use as a base "Switch" deployment. It includes all the components that one needs for executing and testing the Discovery, Quoting, and Transfer phases of the FSPIOP API specification, as well as supporting components for Bulk, and Settlement Processing.
Warning: This will deploy all core Mojaloop charts with default backends configurations. See #deploying-backend-dependencies on how to deploy them using the example-mojaloop-backend/README.md Helm chart.
helm --namespace <namespace> install <release_name> mojaloop/mojaloop
helm --namespace moja install dev mojaloop/mojaloop
Deploy Mojaloop with Bulk-API-Adapter
Warning: This will deploy all core Mojaloop charts. and the Bulk-API-Adapter
helm --namespace <namespace> install <release_name> mojaloop/mojaloop --set mojaloop-bulk.enabled=true --set ml-ttk-test-val-bulk.tests.enabled=true
helm --namespace moja install dev mojaloop/mojaloop --set mojaloop-bulk.enabled=true --set ml-ttk-test-val-bulk.tests.enabled=true
Deploy Mojaloop with Thirdparty components
Refer to thirdparty/README.md for more information on what pre-requisites are required to enable Thirdparty components and how to manually deploy backend dependencies.
Deploy Mojaloop with Bulk-API-Adapter and SDK-TTK Bulk simulators
Warning: This will deploy all core Mojaloop charts., the Bulk-API-Adapter and additional SDK+TTK simulators
helm --namespace <namespace> install <release_name> mojaloop/mojaloop --set mojaloop-bulk.enabled=true --set ml-ttk-test-val-bulk.tests.enabled=true
helm --namespace moja install dev mojaloop/mojaloop --set mojaloop-bulk.enabled=true --set ml-ttk-test-val-bulk.tests.enabled=true --set mojaloop-ttk-simulators.enabled=true --set global.kafka.host=<MOJALOOP_INSTALL_NAME>-kafka --set global.redis.host=<REDIS_INSTALL_NAME>-redis-master --set ml-ttk-test-val-sdk-bulk.tests.enabled=true
Deploy specific chart
Warning: This will deploy a single Mojaloop charts. You will need to ensure that you have met all pre-requisites for that chart (e.g. external dependencies such as MySQL, Kafka, AND internal dependencies such as the Central-Ledger API Service). This can be done by customization the values.yaml of each chart to suite your environment.
helm --namespace <namespace> install <release_name> mojaloop/<chart_name> -f {custom-values.yaml}
helm --namespace moja install dev mojaloop/centralledger -f ./values.yaml
Refer to the following default chart config file for configurable values: http://mojaloop.io/helm/<chart_name>/values.yaml
Alternatively one can set specific values via cli arguments based on the config file above:
helm --namespace <namespace> install <release_name> mojaloop/<chart_name> --set foo=bar --set {key.subkey.subsubkey}={value}
Deploy specific version for a chart
helm --namespace <namespace> install <release_name> mojaloop/<chart_name> --version {version}
helm --namespace moja install dev mojaloop/centralledger --version v1.0.0
Refer to the following default chart config file for values: http://mojaloop.io/helm/<chart_name>/values.yaml
To deploy the latest development version, use the
helm --namespace <namespace> install <release_name> mojaloop/mojaloop --devel
This is useful if you've had some work merged into main but it has not yet been released.
flag can also be supplied tohelm search
andhelm upgrade
commands.Development versions can be specified in a
file if you're using Mojaloop as a child chart.
helm --namespace <namespace> upgrade <release-name> mojaloop/<chart_name>
e.g. helm --namespace moja upgrade dev mojaloop/centralenduserregistry
Update Chart Dependencies for Source for local repo deployments (i.e. from the cloned github repository)
Run the following script sh ./update-charts-dep.sh
in the helm root folder.
This script will ensure that all dependencies and child-dependencies are updated correctly. This is temporary until recursive updates is supported in future: helm/helm#2247.
Deploy specific chart
helm --namespace <namespace> install <release_name> <chart_folder>
helm --namespace mojaloop install dev ./centralledger
Deploy the Mojaloop chart
Warning: This will deploy all core Mojaloop charts with default backends. See #deploying-backends on how to disabled the default backends and deploy them using the example-mojaloop-backend/README.md Helm chart.
helm --namespace <namespace> install <release_name> mojaloop
helm --namespace mojaloop install dev ./mojaloop
helm --namespace <namespace> upgrade <release-name> <chart_folder>
e.g. helm --namespace mojaloop upgrade dev ./centralenduserregistry
Note: This is currently only supported by Helm v3.
Mojaloop Helm deployments currently include the following provisioning (setup
) and test (val
) collections:
Helm Test | Test Cases | Description | Enabled by default? | Notes |
ml-ttk-test-setup.tests | hub/provisioning | Standard Provisioning Collection | Yes | Required as a pre-requisite for all tests. |
ml-ttk-test-val-gp | hub/golden_path | Golden-Path (GP) Test Collection FSPIOP Mode | Yes | Previously named ml-ttk-test-validation prior to v13.1.0 release. |
ml-ttk-test-val-gp (ISO) | hub/golden_path | Golden-Path (GP) Test Collection ISO20022 Mode | No | api_type: &API_TYPE "iso20022" , ttk_transformer_name: &TTK_TRANSFORMER_NAME "fspiopToISO20022" , SDK_ILP_VERSION: &SDK_ILP_VERSION "4" , validCondition: &validCondition "$param_validConditionV4" , ilpPacket: &ilpPacket "$param_validIlpPacketV4" , validFulfillment: &validFulfillment "$param_validFulfillmentV4" This configuration needs to be set while disabling API_TYPE=fspiop. |
ml-ttk-test-val-bulk | hub/other_tests/bulk_transfers | Bulk Test Collection | No | mojaloop-bulk.enabled=true must be set to deploy the Bulk-API-Adapter components. |
ml-ttk-test-setup-sdk-bulk | hub/provisioning_sdkbulk | SDK Bulk Provisioning Collection | No | mojaloop-bulk.enabled=true & mojaloop-ttk-simulators.enabled=true must be set to deploy the Bulk-API-Adapter and TTK Simulators components. |
ml-ttk-test-val-sdk-bulk | hub/sdk_scheme_adapter/bulk | SDK Bulk Test Collection | No | mojaloop-bulk.enabled=true & mojaloop-ttk-simulators.enabled=true must be set to deploy Bulk-API-Adapter and TTK Simulators components. components. |
ml-ttk-test-val-sdk-r2p | hub/sdk_scheme_adapter/request-to-pay | SDK Request To Pay Test Collection | No | mojaloop-ttk-simulators.enabled=true must be set to deploy the TTK Simulators components. components. |
ml-ttk-test-setup-tp | hub/provisioning_thirdparty | Thirdparty Provisioning Collection | No | thirdparty.enabled=true , account-lookup-service.account-lookup-service.config.featureEnableExtendedPartyIdType=true & account-lookup-service.account-lookup-service-admin.config.featureEnableExtendedPartyIdType=true must be set to deploy the Thirdparty components. |
ml-ttk-test-val-tp | hub/thirdparty | Thirdparty Test Collection | No | thirdparty.enabled=true , account-lookup-service.account-lookup-service.config.featureEnableExtendedPartyIdType=true & account-lookup-service.account-lookup-service-admin.config.featureEnableExtendedPartyIdType=true must be set to deploy the Bulk-API-Adapter components. |
ml-ttk-test-cleanup | hub/cleanup | Thirdparty Test Collection | Yes | Post cleanup scripts, e.g. executes position reset test collection. Note that ml-ttk-test-cleanup.test.config.saveReport is disabled by default. |
Ensure Tests are enabled
Ensure the following properties are set in your values.yaml file depending on which tests you wish to execute:
(Note: only applicable ifmojaloop-bulk.enabled=true
is set)ml-ttk-test-setup-sdk-bulk.tests.enabled=true
(Note: only applicable ifmojaloop-bulk.enabled=true
is set)ml-ttk-test-val-sdk-bulk.tests.enabled=true
(Note: only applicable ifmojaloop-bulk.enabled=true
is set)ml-ttk-test-val-sdk-r2p.tests.enabled=true
(Note: only applicable ifmojaloop-ttk-simulators.enabled=true
is set)ml-ttk-test-setup-tp.tests.enabled=true
(Note: only applicable ifthirdparty.enabled=true
is set)ml-ttk-test-val-tp.tests.enabled=true
(Note: only applicable ifthirdparty.enabled=true
is set)ml-ttk-test-cleanup.test.enabled=true
Or alternatively add
for each of the above parameters on the install command:helm install ... --set ml-ttk-test-setup.tests.enabled=true --set ml-ttk-test-val-gp.tests.enabled=true ...
Run Tests
Run tests:
helm test <RELEASE_NAME>
Run tests with logs:
helm test <RELEASE_NAME> --logs
Add the following to your hosts file and ensure you have installed Ingress Controller on your Kubernetes Cluster:
<ip-of-k8s-node-ingress> ml-api-adapter.local central-ledger.local account-lookup-service.local quoting-service.local central-settlement-service.local moja-simulator.local testing-toolkit.local testing-toolkit-specapi.local
Curl Health End-points for ML-API-Adapter
curl http://ml-api-adapter.local/health
Expected output:
Curl Health End-points for Central Ledger
curl http://central-ledger.local/health
Expected output:
Testing Toolkit
Open http://testing-toolkit.local in your browser.
Or access the Mobile Simulator Demo directly on http://testing-toolkit.local/mobilesimulator.
Check out the User Guide to learn more about the Testing Toolkit.
helm --namespace <namespace> del <release-name>
e.g. helm --namespace mojaloop del dev
Execute a dry-run to display all the Kubernetes deployment files
helm --namespace <namespace> install <release_name> <chart_folder> --dry-run
Enable debug to display raw configurations that will be injected into Helm templates
helm --namespace <namespace> install <release_name> <chart_folder> --dry-run --debug
Use Helm Linter to check for any issues
helm lint --strict <chart_folder>
# lint all parent charts and ensure they conform to Helm's standards
# Update all charts, and their respective dependencies (requirements).
# Package all charts, and created an index.yaml in ./repo directory
Refer to Monitoring Documentation
Mojaloop supports batch processing of position messages for higher throughput. To ensure batching works correctly in your setup, ensure to add the topic-transfer-position-batch
topic to your Kafka configuration.
If you are using the example-mojaloop-backend for your backend dependencies, this topic is already added to the Kafka provisioning section by default.
- Snapshot releases will fail if the commit SHA starts with a 0 - helm/helm#7064