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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
Something isn't working or it has wrong behavior on a Mojaloop Core service
Item relates to deployment tools
Dispute Management Workstream
Issues for the DMP 2024 projects
Tasks/Issues related to docs, demos, oss-sandbox
Issues related to the Mojaloop Evolution workstream
This is to capture a functionality / Topic that encompasses Epics that are limited to a single PI
Features (priority) needed by prospective implementers, adopters of Mojaloop
An infrastructure issue or bug such as in helm charts or documentation
Merchant payments work-stream PI-21 onwards
Mojaloop components supporting FSPs - sdk-scheme-adapter and similar components
Issue is nice to have, but not critical (at this point)
This has evolved and has been replaced or this is based on outdated design/implementation
On-prem workstream related issues - epics, stories, bugs
OSS Business Operations Framework
Business Operations Framework related issus
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