pokeapi-typescript is a fully-typed SDK for the PokeAPI using Promises, featuring an easy to manage cache which utilises Collections
via yarn: yarn add pokeapi-typescript
via npm: npm install pokeapi-typescript
To start using the PokeAPI, import the module. All available endpoints are mounted as static properties of the module.
// ES6 imports
import { PokeAPI } from "pokeapi-typescript";
Every endpoint documented in the PokeAPI Docs is available. By default, any data that is fetched will be cached in-memory.
retrieves a resource, first checking the internal cache to see if it is available. If no cached resource exists, it will be fetched via the API.
// Using .then()
PokeAPI.Pokemon.resolve(25).then(result => console.log(result));
// Using async/await
const result = await PokeAPI.Pokemon.resolve(25);
// Using.then()
PokeAPI.Pokemon.resolve("pikachu").then(result => console.log(result));
// Using async/await
const result = await PokeAPI.Pokemon.resolve("pikachu");
will always retrieve a resource via the API, updating any cached resources in the process.
// Using .then()
PokeAPI.Pokemon.fetch(25).then(result => console.log(result));
// Using async/await
const result = await PokeAPI.Pokemon.fetch(25);
// Using.then()
PokeAPI.Pokemon.fetch("pikachu").then(result => console.log(result));
// Using async/await
const result = await PokeAPI.Pokemon.fetch("pikachu");
will always retrieve a cached resource, returning null if one could not be found. .get()
is synchronous and does not return a Promise.
const result = PokeAPI.Pokemon.get(25);
const result = PokeAPI.Pokemon.get("pikachu");
retrieves the IApiResourceList or INamedApiResourceList for an endpoint.
accepts two parameters for pagination
- Number of results to list. Default 20offset
- Index of result to start listing from. Default 0
// Fetch 1000 Pokemon (all) in a NamedApiResourceList
const resourceList = await PokeAPI.Pokemon.list(1000, 0);
will contain an array of IApiResource
or INamedApiResource
objects depending on the type of list.
functions like the above, but will return the complete list for an endpoint. This is done by making two API calls.
// Fetch 1000 Pokemon (all) in a NamedApiResourceList
const completeResourceList = await PokeAPI.Pokemon.listAll();
- Berry
- BerryFirmness
- BerryFlavors
- ContestType
- ContestEffect
- SuperContestEffect
- EncounterMethod
- EncounterCondition
- EncounterConditionValue
- EvolutionChain
- EvolutionTrigger
- Generation
- Pokedex
- Version
- VersionGroup
- Item
- ItemAttribute
- ItemCategory
- ItemFlingEffect
- ItemPocket
- Location
- LocationArea
- PalParkArea
- Region
- Machine
- Move
- MoveAilment
- MoveBattleStyle
- MoveCategory
- MoveDamageClass
- MoveLearnMethod
- MoveTarget
- Ability
- Characteristic
- EggGroup
- Gender
- GrowthRate
- Nature
- PokeathlonStat
- Pokemon
- PokemonColor
- PokemonForm
- PokemonHabitat
- PokemonShape
- PokemonSpecies
- Stat
- Type
- Language