C parser & CLI toolset for the Global Land One-kilometer Base Elevation (GLOBE) dataset. GLOBE is a global 1km-resolution digital elevation model, compiled by NOAA in 1999.
The data is suitable for medium-resolution global terrain modeling. The raw data is 1.8GB uncompressed.
While NOAA provides GLOBE as a spatially sharded dataset, the goal of globe.c is essentially to merge the shards into a single view that can be more easily accessed in a variety of formats, without knowledge of the spatial sharding scheme. Unlike in 1999, today we can comfortably fit the entire dataset in memory on most machines used for geospatial processing, so the sharding is unnecessary complexity for most use cases.
# downloading the archive
curl https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/topo/DATATILES/elev/all10g.tgz
# unpacking the files
tar -xvzf all10g.tgz
# size of each file
du -h all10/*
99M all10/a10g
99M all10/a11g
99M all10/b10g
99M all10/c10g
99M all10/d10g
124M all10/e10g
124M all10/f10g
124M all10/g10g
124M all10/h10g
124M all10/i10g
124M all10/j10g
124M all10/k10g
124M all10/l10g
99M all10/m10g
99M all10/n10g
99M all10/o10g
99M all10/p10g
# size of all files
du -h all10
1.8G all10
Requires clang.
Requires clang-format, clang-tidy.
make lint;
globe -h
Flatten shards into a single global array and writes to raw bin file. ./globe.bin
is 1.7G raw, 231M zstd compressed.
globe merge -i ./all10 -o ./globe.bin;
du -h globe.bin*
1.7G globe.bin
241M globe.bin.zst
Write a png of a bounding box.
globe render -i ./globe.bin -o globe.png;
Write csv table file, with the format: lon, lat, elevation.
globe table -i ./globe.bin -o globe.csv;
This csv can be converted to parquet with following duckdb command for more efficient storage and querying:
# Convert to parquet.
duckdb -c "copy (select * from globe.csv where elev > 0) to 'globe.parquet' (FORMAT PARQUET, COMPRESSION ZSTD, ROW_GROUP_SIZE 100_000)"
# Select highest and lowest point on earth.
duckdb -c 'select * from globe.csv order by elev desc limit 1; select * from globe.csv order by elev asc limit 1;'
# ┌───────────┬──────────┬───────┐
# │ lon │ lat │ elev │
# │ double │ double │ int64 │
# ├───────────┼──────────┼───────┤
# │ 86.874268 │ 28.00589 │ 8752 │
# └───────────┴──────────┴───────┘
# ┌───────────┬───────────┬───────┐
# │ lon │ lat │ elev │
# │ double │ double │ int64 │
# ├───────────┼───────────┼───────┤
# │ 35.320187 │ 30.997511 │ -407 │
# └───────────┴───────────┴───────┘