Refer to this blog, this blog, and this blog
Install Ruby first WITH DEVKIT (for Windows). For now, I have installed Ruby+Devkit 3.2.2-1 (x64).
Check Ruby version in cmd:
# check Ruby version
D:\github_local_repository\mpil-gist.github.io>ruby -v
# ruby 3.2.2 (2023-03-30 revision e51014f9c0) [x64-mingw-ucrt]
# check RubyGems version
D:\github_local_repository\mpil-gist.github.io>gem -v
# 3.4.10
Simply run the following
gem install bundler jekyll
Check jekyll and bundler version in cmd:
# check jekyll version
D:\github_local_repository\mpil-gist.github.io>jekyll -v
# jekyll 4.3.2
# check bundler version
D:\github_local_repository\mpil-gist.github.io>bundler -v
# Bundler version 2.4.19
You can run a local server as follows:
bundle exec jekyll serve
If it is your first time running a server, execute the below before running a server.
bundle install