Blackjack game created to help me learn python. The goal is make a program that can play by it's own and show the statistics envolved. Expanded to be an real, rich, fast and reliable player strategy test ambient
- Algoritm that trys to mimic reality the best it cans. The goal is to use ALL rules in BJ and try to create a fast and real envirolment to try differente alooritms to beat the dealer
- Can use several players with and a dealer
- hability to use real decks with cards and suits
- able to use different algoritms to decide if hit ot not
- Can use as many decks as desired in a given match
- The decks are consumed by each match and when its near exaustion, the dealer get new decks
- can look to the cards in the dealer (player "sees" dealer hand)
- Possible to run hundred of tousands of simulations
- Multiprocessing, Multithreading (give a number of simulations to a process and create several processes)
- Set the precision of calculus used and in results
- TODO: Implement insurance, the amout payied for insurance, the amout payed by blackjack .. all in parameters
- DONE -- Fix the order of the dealed cards. They have an order... and it must be followed
- TODO: make this program be able to play against flash sites with bj games
- DONE -- Implement spliting of cards
- DONE -- Implement betting
- DONE -- Implement push (tie, when neither the player or dealer wins. Today when there is a tie, the dealer wins)
- DONE -- Implement double
- DONE -- Implement surrender
- TODO: Implement algorigm of Machine Learning (this is the main original goal)
- TODO: Implement algoritm of Card Counting (Hi-Lo ? Must me able to do 2 types of CC: One like the real world and other with simulated real decks "in mind")
- DONE -- Implement Multithreading to compare performance. Probably worse
- DONE -- Implement Multiprocessing by NOT using a Pool .. to compare performance
- TODO: export lots os data and shit to use with Jupyter and Plot and Numpy and etc
- TODO: Implement game against a human (1 and 2 players ?)
- TODO: Create a GUI ?
- DONE -- Find a way to show progress when in multiprocessing mode
- DONE -- Support more then 1 player (computer dealer x computer x computer...)
- DONE -- Implement some way of measuring the speed, like 2323 matches / sec
- DONE -- Implement a real behavior for the dealer. Follow bj rules for dealer
- TODO: Change several aspects of the program to make it faster. like using sets and many other little changes
- TODO: Stop using lists ! use NumPY for everything! Performance!
- TODO: Implement pays more when blackjack (natural)
- TODO: Add SEVERAL small rules that can be found in
FIX: -- There are sometimes when i try to pop a card from the current deck, but as there are so many players (in games with >30 players) that there is no card to pop need to implement a wat to detect there is no card and create a new current deck. Probably have to make current deck a global var
FIX: -- When i use 3 players with 1 match... the statistics look wrong. Have to check that
FIX: -- When started using VS Code, there is one line of code that changed the its behavior: In line XX of XX I used to print the statistics INLINE, with one line printed in the screen, overwriting the old one. Now, the lines keep being printing in a new line, killing performance.
- Dealer must hit if lower then 16. If ctHIT_ON_SOFT_HAND = True then see comment in the variable
- Order of play: Dealer gives a card for each player, one for him face up. Then one again for each player and one for him again
- If using more them one player, the results of them are combined averaged
- If using more them one task, the results of them are combined averaged
- The number of decks may be increased in order to accomodade the number of players
- If the remaining cards in the deck are only ctRESHUFFLE_DECK_PERC (in percentual), then get new shuffled decks up tho the amount of decks defined in the param
- If player blows, the dealer wins even before he plays (make a huge difference, giving more advantage to the dealer)
- Can only split once, having 2 game at once
- Can only split if the FIRST 2 cards are equal. First hand