ReadEase website is an online book store, that gives the user the chance to view a book details, and reviews from other useres. Also, our website provide a space for readers to communicate and share thier thoughts, opinions, and knowldge.
A theme for Book Store documentation. click here
- User should not be logged in to access and Visit the Book Store.
- For signup (registration) user is required to give first name, last name, Gender, Birthday, e-mail address, password.
- For login the user will be required to enter Email and password only.
- User can browse books on the website without LOGIN. (Main Page is open to all. No login required).
- The user can access to the details of the books without log in.
- If the user wants to buy or write review, Need to Login/ Sign in/up.
- The user can suggest a book to write and he can post also a message in the book club to interactive with other users.
- User can send a Suggustions and Complaints to Admin of the website by writing his name and email.
- The user can add a book to his favorite book.
7. in the next upgrade of the website, User can search for a book or author by book title or author names or Publish Date or Categories , Also Add/Delete to cart will be perform by Ajax .
- Only admin can add Books.
- Admin can add edit and delete books.
- Admin can add edit and delete Category.
- Admin can add edit and delete Language.
- Admin can add Author to book and category to book.
- Admin can search for any books, authors and category.
Andree Ayyad --- Mustafa Taha --- Raghad Abu Rahma