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Changes in version 2.0

Michael W. Powell edited this page Jun 20, 2024 · 2 revisions


  • Based on 2.0 and supports all new 2.0 features (#51).
  • IStepContext metadata (#146).
  • OnFailure() step builder method to control the behavior of remaining steps if the step fails (#247).
  • StepDefinition filter attributes (#254).
  • .x(), an alternative to .f() and ._() (#238).


  • When a step fails, all following steps in the scenario are reported as skipped. In 1.x, all following steps in the scenario were reported as failed.
  • The .Before() and .After() methods of a BeforeAfterTestAttribute are now called before and after each scenario is run. In 1.x, these methods were called before and after each step within a scenario was run.
  • Object disposal and Rollback are no longer represented as a separate test unless they fail. This aligns with the behavior of most 2.0 runners which show an extra failed test when test clean up fails.


  • .Given(), .When(), .Then(), .And() and .But(). Use .f(), ._() or .x() instead.
  • Timeouts have been removed under the same rationale used for 2.0.
  • Isolated steps have been removed as this is a rarely, if ever, used feature that adds considerable implementation overhead.
  • Object disposal without passing a context object to .Using() (deprecated in 1.x).
  • An undocumented feature which allows global continuation of step execution when certain types of step fail.
  • An undocumented feature which allows omission of arguments from scenario names in test output.


Apparently, today is now, effectively, defunct. Although it is archived, it is no longer maintained, which is unfortunate. Hat tip for having made the baseline effort available, from which we extended some much needed behaviors.

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