Simple minimal program to call GitHub and retrieve information about PR history for a single author in a repository
The environment variable PR_GITHUB_TOKEN
can be provided to overcome the Rate-Limit by GitHub
go run main.go <owner> <repository> <author>
The result will be a prs_review_<owner>_<repository>_<author>.csv
$ go run main.go nabeelys Excel-To-PDF nabeelys
environment variable PR_GITHUB_TOKEN is not set
Starting processing: nabeelys/Excel-To-PDF for nabeelys
Total Count: 2
Incompelte: false
Items: 2
$ cat prs_review_nabeelys_Excel-To-PDF_nabeelys.csv
number, type, title, state, created, closed, days, comments
12, - , Update dependency org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml to v5 remove from local, closed, 2022-06-19, 2022-06-19, 0, 0
14, - , Update, closed, 2022-07-14, 2022-07-14, 0, 0