Before using this repository, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed:
- Docker: Installation Guide
- Go: Installation Guide
This project uses the following technologies:
- Go: The backend service is written in Go.
- Docker: Docker is used for setting up the database and running the application in a containerized environment.
- GORM: GORM (Go Object-Relational Mapper) is used for handling database operations.
- Gin: Gin is a web framework used for routing and handling HTTP requests.
Follow these steps to get started with the project:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Run Docker to setup Postgres:
sudo docker compose up --build
This works because we have a YAML file that contains the configuration of the PostgreSQL.
Run the main file: To run the main file and start the application, execute the following command in your terminal:
go run main.go
Here are the available endpoints and how to use them:
Add a book
PUT /api/v1/booky/
- name of the book
- author of the book
- title of the book
Browse the shared books
GET /api/v1/booky/
Borrow a book for a certain duration of time
PUT /api/v1/booky/<book_id>/borrow
: ID of the Book that has been added for sharing with othersborrow_period
: No of Days You Want To B
View all the borrowed books
GET /api/v1/booky/borrowed
Return a borrowed book
POST /api/v1/booky/<book_id>/borrow/<borrow_id>
: ID of the Book that has been added for sharing with othersborrow_id
: ID of the Borrow operation for Book with book_id
The following APIs are available:
Get all books available.Call Using the folliwing curl command
curl -X GET localhost:<port>/api/v1/booky
Example here Normaly Books are Identifed By Its
This is Response for the following curl command
"Books": [ { "ID": 1, "CreatedAt": "2023-12-25T15:20:19.8477+05:30", "UpdatedAt": "2023-12-25T15:20:19.8477+05:30", "DeletedAt": null, "book_id": 1600532220260512696, "name": "The Book Name", "title": "The Title", "author": "Author", "borrowed": false }, { "ID": 2, "CreatedAt": "2023-12-25T15:20:14.8477+05:30", "UpdatedAt": "2023-12-25T15:20:20.8477+05:30", "DeletedAt": null, "book_id": 684684515656488798, "name": "Narasimha", "title": "Devil", "author": "God", "borrowed": false }... ]
: Create a new book.To create a new book, use the following form-encoded
request body: "Request Body": name=myName&title=myTitle&author=myAuthor
Use the Follwing curl command to test it
curl -X PUT -d "name=myName&title=myTitle&author=myAuthor" http://localhost:<port>/api/v1/booky
The Response Here is Similar to the Get Book API.
{ "book_id": 12345, "name": "myName", "title": "myTitle" "author": "myAuthor", "status": "Book Created Successfully", }
:To borrow a book by sending a PUT request to the specified endpoint. The <book_id> parameter should be replaced with the ID of the book to be borrowed.
Example usage:
You Need to Specify the Time Period for Borrowing If You Won't It Will be 7 Days by Default.
Testing Code:
curl -X PUT -d "borrow_period=3" https://localhost:<port>/api/v1/booky/12345/borrow
- If the book is available and the borrowing is successful, the API will return a success message.
{ "book_id": 7218268149424024368, "borrowed_id": "e2f912cb-9172-4d82-a5bc-23502b46cc6b", "start_time": "2023-12-25T18:43:50.689008544+05:30", "end_time": "2023-12-28T18:43:50.689008618+05:30", "status": "Book Borrowed Successfully" "returned": false, }
- If the book is already borrowed or unavailable, the API will return an error message.
{ "message": "Book is already borrowed" }
- If the book is available and the borrowing is successful, the API will return a success message.
:You Will get the Books Have Been Borrowed Till Now
use the Statement:
curl -X GET localhost:<port>/api/v1/booky/borrowed
This is the response for the following curl command
"BorrowedBooks": [ { "book_id": 7218268149424024368, "borrowed_id": "e2f912cb-9172-4d82-a5bc-23502b46cc6b", "start_time": "2023-12-25T18:43:50.689008544+05:30", "end_time": "2023-12-28T18:43:50.689008618+05:30", "book_name": "Money", "returned": false }, { "book_id": 1234567890, "borrowed_id": "f3a4b5c6-d7e8-f9a0-b1c2-d3e4f5a6b7c8", "start_time": "2023-12-25T18:43:50.689008544+05:30", "end_time": "2023-12-28T18:43:50.689008618+05:30", "book_name": "Dead Boy", "returned": false } ]
: Return a borrowed book.To return a borrowed book, send a POST request to the specified endpoint. The
parameters should be replaced with the ID of the book and the ID of the borrowing respectively.Example usage:
Testing Code:
curl -X POST https://localhost:<port>/api/v1/12345/borrow/e2f912cb-9172-4d82-a5bc-23502b46cc6b
- If the book is successfully returned, the API will return a success message.
{ "book_id": 12345, "borrowed_id": "e2f912cb-9172-4d82-a5bc-23502b46cc6b", "status": "Book Returned Successfully" }
- If the book is not found or the borrowing is not valid, the API will return an error message.
{ "message": "Invalid book or borrowing ID" }
- If the book is successfully returned, the API will return a success message.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.