Releases: naustudio/dotfiles
Releases · naustudio/dotfiles
New workflow for 2016
Changes to Nau's workflow:
- ESLint to replace jscs & jshint, jsxhint
- Stylelint to replace csslint, scss-lint
- Update to ESLint rules
- Experiment stylelint rules
- New tern_for_sublime plugin which enhance JS/ES code completion
- Relaxed tab width (respect user preference of tab width)
ESLint is now Nau workflow official
In this release, we turn on eslint by default and temporarily disable jshint & jscs in SublimeLinter
Documentation completed!
Finished documentation regarding preferences; trivially updated `Preferences.sublime-settings' to keep it more up-to-date and agnostic
Key bindings fix
Fix super+shift+a
not expand to tag due to conflict with Color Highlighter
First release!
Nau dotfiles & conventions regulator first release.