This package will add CRM functionality to your laravel projects.
- Use as a free CRM for your business or your clients
- Build a custom CRM for your business or your clients
- Use as an integrated CRM for your Laravel powered business (Saas, E-commerce, etc)
- Use as a CRM for your Laravel development business
- Sales leads management
- Deal management
- Contact database management
- Users & Teams
- Secure registration & login
- Reset forgotten password
Step 1: Install a Laravel project if you don't have one already
Step 2: Make sure you have set up Laravel auth in your project
Step 3: Require the package using composer:
composer require venturedrake/laravel-crm
Step 4: Run vendor publish:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="VentureDrake\LaravelCrm\LaravelCrmServiceProvider"
Step 5: Run migrations:
php artisan migrate
Step 6: Run database seeder:
php artisan db:seed --class="VentureDrake\LaravelCrm\Database\Seeders\LaravelCrmTablesSeeder"
Step 7: Add an email address for the user who will be the crm owner in the config file:
After publishing the package assets a configuration file will be located at config/laravel-crm.php
return [
'crm_owner' => '[email protected]',
'route_prefix' => 'crm',
'route_middleware' => ['web'],
'db_table_prefix' => 'crm_',
'encrypt_db_fields' => true,
Access the crm at http://your-project-url/crm
composer test
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.
- Products
- Notes
- Tasks
- Files / Documents
- Calendar (Calls, Meetings, Reminders)
- Roles / Permissions
- Dashboard
- Custom Fields
- Activity Feed / Timelines
- CSV Import / Export
Participate in the discord community
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.