- Generate a report of members are are "away" based on their Outlook Calendar within a start-end timeframe.
- Update shared calendar to synchronize with members' calendars with events that are "away".
Microsoft Azure Project Config (/root/vacation_calendar_sync_config.yaml
Look at sample_config.yaml
docker pull ghcr.io/ncsa/vacation_calendar_sync:production
docker run -it --name ncsa_vacation_calendar_sync --mount type=bind,source=$HOME,dst=/home ghcr.io/ncsa/vacation_calendar_sync:production
Once the container is created, entrypoint will execute the entrypoint.sh file, which effectively runs the program with python3 OutlookCalendar -s mode. To override this default command run:
docker run -it --name ncsa_vacation_calendar_sync --entrypoint /bin/bash --mount type=bind,source=$HOME,dst=/home ghcr.io/ncsa/vacation_calendar_sync:production
This will take you inside the container where you can run the commands listed below
The commnad below will generate a report to console of events that occurs between the start and end date.
python3 OutlookCalendar.py [optional flags] [year]-[month]-[day] [year]-[month]-[day]
Example: python3 OutlookCalendar.py -m 2022-10-26 2022-10-29
Example: python3 OutlookCalendar.py -s
Example: python3 OutlookCalendar.py -g
: Retrieves members' calendar events and synchronize them to the shared calendar
: Generate a report of the shared calendar
: Dumps the json data of member's events occuring between the start and end date
: Manually update the shared calendar with start and end time with format YYYY-MM-DD
: Display the help screen