- Lambda Function: performs the business logic
- Lambda Layer: provides the dependencies for the function
- CloudWatch Event: triggers the Lambda Function every minute
- DynamoDB: stores Strava credentials (cheapest option, ideally would use SecretsManager)
- CloudWatch Logs: stores Lambda Function logs
- IAM role/policy: allows the Lambda Function to write to CloudWatch Logs and read/write to DynamoDB
graph LR;
trigger(CloudWatch Event);
lambda("Lambda Function
lambda_layer[/"Lambda Layer
strava(Strava API);
garmin(Garmin API);
logs(CloudWatch Logs);
trigger -- Trigger every minute --> lambda;
lambda_layer --> lambda;
lambda <-- Strava access tokens --> db;
lambda <-- Fetch activities --> garmin;
lambda <-- Upload activities --> strava;
lambda --> logs;
Note: Ephemeral storage is the /tmp
directory in the Lambda function.
participant lambda as Lambda Function;
participant storage as Ephemeral storage;
participant db as DynamoDB;
participant strava as Strava API;
participant garmin as Garmin API;
lambda ->> storage: Check for Garmin credentials;
alt Invalid credentials
lambda ->> garmin: Login with credentials;
lambda ->> storage: Store credentials;
lambda ->> db: Get Strava access token;
alt Invalid credentials
lambda ->> db: Get Strava refresh token;
lambda ->> strava: Refresh access token;
lambda ->> db: Store Strava tokens;
lambda ->> strava: Fetch Strava activities;
lambda ->> garmin: Fetch Garmin activities;
loop Garmin activities not in strava activities;
lambda ->> garmin: Download FIT zip file;
lambda ->> storage: Store FIT zip file;
storage ->> storage: Extract zip contents;
lambda ->> strava: Upload FIT file;
- Terraform - installation
- PDM - installation
- Pre-commit - installation
You will need to set up an API application in Strava settings (see instructions). Use localhost:9321
as your path. Note your Client ID, Client Secret.
Once your API is set up, run
make get-token
and note your Refresh Token to be used for deployment.
You will also need to set up your AWS credentials to be used with Terraform. This can be done with the aws configure
CLI (see instructions).
The infrastructure is built and deployed with Terraform. Once you complete the setup, you will need to initialize Terraform. To do so, run
make tf-init
To see the changes that would be made to you account, run
make tf-plan
To publish the changes, run
make tf-apply
To update code, first create an virtual environmnet with PDM by running
pdm venv create
And start it with
pdm venv activate
Install prod and dev dependencies with
pdm install
Before committing, make sure to run
pre-commit install
Formatting and linting use Ruff. Type checking is done with MyPy.
To format your code (both Terraform and Python), run
make format
To check your Python code with MyPy and Ruff, run
make check