This is a deprecated version of Cytosim. Please use the more up-to-date code
hosted on Gitlab:
Cytosim is a cytoskeleton simulation engine written in C++ working on Mac OS, GNU/Linux and Windows (with Cygwin).
The objects in the simulation and their parameters are defined within a single text file config.cym
set simul example
time_step = 0.005
viscosity = 0.02
set space cell
shape = sphere
dimensions = 5
new space cell
set fiber microtubule
rigidity = 20
segmentation = 0.5
confine = inside, 200, cell
new fiber microtubule
length = 11
run 5000 simul example
nb_frames = 10
The documentation can be generated by doxygen:
doxygen src/doc/Doxyfile
This will generate an html folder in the root directory.
You can now open html/index.html
in a browser.
Please, do not use this outdated version
In the documentation, you will find a module describing how to compile Cytosim. On Mac OS X and Linux this should be straightforward if you are familiar with compilation in general. On Windows, we suggest that you compile within Cygwin. For more information, please check src/doc/compile.dox.
After installing Apple's Xcode, enter these commands to compile:
git clone
cd cytosim
Once cytosim is running on your machine, check the tutorials, the page on "Running Simulations", and the examples contained in the folder "cym". We recommend starting with the shortest configuration files (e.g. fiber.cym). Finally, do not hesitate to contact us if you have difficulties: [email protected]
We hope cytosim can be useful for your research.
Sincerely yours, The Developers of Cytosim