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DXP Open Edition Docker Compose Examples

All templates start 3 Docker Containers:

DXP Open Edition starts with a PostgreSQL Server which is initialized with a DB planet9 with a schema planet9. The DB is data is mounted to a volume, therefore the data will persists for the same DXP Open Edition version.

Start specific version

  • Clone this repo
  • Navigate to the folder with the DXP Open Edition version you'd like to run.
  • Run docker-compose up in the targeted version number.
  • Access DXP Open Edition via localhost:8080
  • Access your DB GUI via localhost:3000
  • Run docker-compose down to stop all docker images

Might only work for OSX and Linux (not tested on Windows.)

Run locally with MS SQL

To run locally DXP Open Edition with MSSQL, some other steps are required to run locally.

Using Docker Compose

IMPORTANT: Volume binding is not supported on Mac!

  1. Build locally the docker image for MS SQL which creates a default planet9 database and planet9 schema.
cd v21.6.4-mssql
docker build -f docker-image/Dockerfile docker-image -t localmssql:latest --no-cache 
  1. Now we can run our docker compose command.
docker-compose up
  1. When you start for the first time, the database needs to be initialized and Planet 9 will faill to connect (as the DB is still beinig initialized). If you see the following message in the output:
    db_1       | setup.sql completed
    db_1       | Finished with
    db_1       | 2021-10-03 15:10:37.14 spid28s     The tempdb database has 4 data file(s).
    Just run docker-compose up once more in the same folder from another terminal window.

Using Docker CLI

  1. Build locally the docker image for MS SQL which creates a default planet9 database and planet9 schema.
cd v21.6.4-mssql
docker build -f docker-image/Dockerfile docker-image -t localmssql:latest --no-cache 
  1. Create a docker network
NETWORK_ID=$(docker network create my_network)
  1. Start the MS SQL database
docker run --network $NETWORK_ID \
    -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y \
    -e MSSQL_PID=Developer \
    -e SA_PASSWORD="m8p@assworD" \
    --name MSSQL \
    --hostname db-server \
  1. Start a new shell for DXP Open Edition
NETWORK_ID=$(docker network ls --filter NAME=my_network -q)
docker run --network "$NETWORK_ID" \
    -e DB_TYPE=mssql \
    -e DB_MSSQL_HOST=db-server \
    -e DB_MSSQL_USER=sa \
    -e DB_MSSQL_PASSWORD="m8p@assworD" \
    -p 8080:8080 \
  1. Open DXP Open Edition via localhost:8080

Don't forget to clean up respources!


Examples of running Planet 9 with Docker compose and different versions.






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