For old node.js versions please use verison < 4.0.0 Already for old LTS node (4,6,8) npm install [email protected]
For new node.js versions (10,12,14,16,18,20) we are using n-api so please install npm install [email protected]
, its compatible with arm proc too for version >= 16 (you wil notice a free memoery message when using free memory function after node >16) 🙂
Node-Libxml is a LibXML2 Node.js Wrapper
It can perform:
- Wellformed check & rerror report
- Validity against DTD/XSD(Schema) check,
- Get doctype informations (about dtd)
- GetXpath Values
- Load XMl from string or file path
Node-Libxml has nos any dependencies, it's fully bundled, so you can just use it as it comes :)
Works on : Linux, Osx & Windows (no 32bits, just 64 bits)
Node-libxml has been thought differently than libxmljs; whereas libxmljs can be use in commun uses, you can use node-libxml if:
- You wan to validate against DTD (libxmljs can't)
- You want a silent program if xml is not wellformed (node-libxml returns wellformed error in object; libxmljs throws)
- You want to do xml processing in parallel forks
- You want to load XML from file path OR string
- You want to validate against DTD / schema on multiple documents with just ONE dtd/schema loaded in memory (libxmljs loads it on each validation request), so it's clearly by far fastest!
npm i node-libxml
const Libxml = require('node-libxml').Libxml; // or import {Libxml} from 'node-libxml'
let libxml = new Libxml();
let xmlIsWellformed = libxml.loadXml('path/to/xml');
let xmlIsWellformedStr = libxml.loadXmlFromString('<name>test</name>');
libxml.loadDtds(['path/to/dtd1', 'path/to/dtd2']);
let xmlIsValid = libxml.validateAgainstDtds();
//Get some xpaths;
let aRandomPathBoolean = libxml.xpathSelect('boolean(//some/path'));
let aRandomPathNumber = libxml.xpathSelect('number(//some/path'));
let countSomeElements = libxml.xpathSelect('count(//some/path'));
//... & all xpath could do I think
check tests for more examples
A function of libxml to load the XML file
TAKE a path & RETURN true if wellformed | false if not
SET a an array 'wellformedErrors' in libxml element containing wellformed errors
A function of libxml to create the xml Dom from a string
TAKE a string containing xml & RETURN true if wellformed | false if not
SET a an array 'wellformedErrors' in libxml element containing wellformed errors
A function of libxml to load the DTDs files
TAKE an array of path of & RETURN nothing
SET a an array 'dtdsLoadedErrors' in libxml element IF error happend on loading dtd(s)
A function of libxml to load the XSDs files
TAKE an array of path of & RETURN nothing
SET a an array 'schemasLoadedErrors' in libxml element IF error happend on loading xsd(s)
A function of libxml to validate against the previously loaded DTD(s)
TAKE nothing & RETURN a string which is the name of the first dtd which has validated
RETURN false if no dtd(s) have validate the xml
RETURN null if no any dtd have been corectly loaded
SET a an array 'validationDtdErrors' in libxml element if no dtd has validate
A function of libxml to validate against the previously loaded DTD(s)
TAKE nothing & RETURN a string which is the name of the first dtd which has validated
RETURN false if no dtd(s) have validate the xml
RETURN null if no any schema have been corectly loaded
SET a an array 'validationDtdErrors' in libxml element if no dtd has validate
A function of libxml to evaluate the xpath on the previously loaded XML
TAKE nothin & RETURN an object containing name,externalId & systemId
A function of libxml to evaluate the xpath on the previously loaded XML
TAKE string & RETURN value depending on what you asked (number, boolean..)
RETURN null if no match
Use those functions when you have finished jobs of elements, or before overwrite them. ex
A function of libxml to free XML memory file
TAKE nothing & RETURN nothin
FREE memory & clear 'wellformedErrors' property on libxml instance
A function of libxml to free all the DTD in memory
TAKE nothing & RETURN nothin
FREE memory & clear 'dtdsLoadedErrors' property on libxml instance
FREE memory & clear 'validationDtdErrors' property on libxml instance
A function of libxml to free all the Schema in memory
TAKE nothing & RETURN nothin
FREE memory & clear 'schemasLoadedErrors' property on libxml instance
FREE memory & clear 'validationSchemaErrors' property on libxml instance
A function of libxml to free all the memory taken by libxml2
TAKE nothing & RETURN nothin
free all memory in all instance in all fork using by libxml.
npm i
npm test
should pass 😎npm run publish
Travis & appveyor cannot be used anymore with n-api because auto-publish from node-pre-gyp-github not working anymore + we have now n release for one node version