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A pytest plugin offering various functionality for Neural Magic’s Release Engineering team.


The Python package can be installed directly from this git repository from either a branch or tag:

# recommended: use a version tag (e.g., v0.2.0)
pip install

# alternative: install based on a branch (e.g., main)
pip install


Dynamically-named JUnit report files

pytest-nm-releng can automatically generate unique, dynamically-named JUnit report files with an optional prefix. The report file is generated when the test run begins using Python’s datetime.timestamp() method (UTC).


This works by appending the --junit-xml flag after the command is run, meaning it will override any previously-specified instances of this flag.

To enable this behavior, define the environment variable NMRE_JUNIT_BASE with a value to the path where the test files should be stored. This can be absolute or relative.

The following examples will both write JUnit report files in a folder named "test-results" in the current working directory.

# example: prefixing a command
NMRE_JUNIT_BASE=test-results pytest [...]

# example: export the environment variable (useful if pytest is not being
# invoked directly)
export NMRE_JUNIT_BASE=test-results
pytest [...]

# after either example, a file named something like
# `test-results/1735941024.348248.xml` will be created

Additional options

Filename prefix

An environment variable named NMRE_JUNIT_PREFIX can be defined with a value to be prefixed onto the file name. Note that no separator is used so you may want to include one.

export NMRE_JUNIT_BASE=test-results
export NMRE_JUNIT_PREFIX="report-"
pytest [...]

# after either example, a file named something like
# `test-results/report-1735941218.338192.xml` will be created
Filename suffix types

An environment variable named NMRE_JUNIT_SUFFIX_TYPE can be defined to control what type of suffix is used. Valid values are timestamp (default), uuid4, and uuid7.

export NMRE_JUNIT_BASE=test-results
export NMRE_JUNIT_PREFIX="report-"
pytest [...]

# after either example, a file named something like
# `test-results/report-ffe95fcc-b818-4aca-a350-e0a35b9de6ec.xml` will be created

Adding testsuite/testcase properties

The plugin adds two optional CLI flags, --testsuite-property and --testcase-property, which provide a means to adding properties to the testsuite and testcase JUnit elements respectively.

Both flags accept multiple arguments and use the same format: name=value. Each passed argument is split on the first = character, so any additional characters in an individual arg will be part of the value. For example, opts=gpu=h100 would result in a property with name opts and value gpu=h100.


Arguments passed to the --testcase-property flag will be added as properties to all test cases in the run.


Because these flags accept multiple arguments, they must be added after any positional args. It is okay to include them before other flags.

Example: Adding testsuite properties

pytest [...] --testsuite-property gpu=h100
# adds a property to the testsuite element with name 'gpu' and value 'h100'
pytest [...] --testsuite-property gpu_name=h100 gpu_count=2
# adds two properties to the testsuite element: one with name=gpu_name/value=h100
# and one with name=gpu_count/value=2

Example: Adding testcase properties

pytest [...] --testcase-property gpu=h100
# adds a property to all testcase elements with name 'gpu' and value 'h100'
pytest [...] --testcase-property gpu_name=h100 gpu_count=2
# adds two properties to all testcase elements: one with
# name=gpu_name/value=h100 and one with name=gpu_count/value=2


To contribute, follow these general steps:

  1. Fork the repository

  2. Create a new branch

  3. Make your changes

  4. Install tox

    # example: using pipx
    pipx install tox
    # example: using uv
    uv tool install tox --with tox-uv
  5. Run quality checks and tests

    # apply available automatic style/formatting fixes
    tox -e format
    # check style/formatting
    tox -e style
    # run tests
    tox -e py
  6. Submit a pull request with your changes


This pytest plugin was generated with Cookiecutter along with @hackebrot's cookiecutter-pytest-plugin template.


Pytest plugin used by the Release Engineering team







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