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This repository aims to provide a way to quickly generate the latest typescript API client to use with NMKR Studio


In this folder you will find a package.json file with two commands generate-local to generate a client defined by the API definition from the swagger.json file. This can be useful if you want to test new API endpoints or one which still is in development. Additionally, the generate-latest command which will pull the latest available swagger file from


  • npm install to install the dependencies
  • npm install openapi-typescript-codegen --save-dev to install the generator
  • npm run generate-local from local swagger.json file
  • npm run generate-latest from latest published version on the web

Afterwards, you will find under /nmkr-studio-api/src the generated typescript files. To build them, navigate to cd /nmkr-studio-api in the terminal and run

  • npm run test
  • npm run lint
  • npm run format
  • npm run build

To run the tests, you need to provide an API-Key for a NMKR STUDIO ACCOUNT with at least 1 project. This has to be saved in a .env file similar as the .env.example file.

In case you have access rights to the NPM-Account you can, after testing, deploy the new version to npm (only with the required account) via:

  • npm login
  • npm version patch
  • npm publish


  • API Client
  • Basic testing setup
  • Further testing (100% coverage?)
  • Further documentation and usage examples
  • Automatic updates after Swagger changes
  • Automatic deploy pipeline to simplify PRs

Mentions and further reading

If you have any requests, problems or suggestions regarding this package, the best way to reach us is via this github repository. For general help please contact the NMKR support

If you make a PR, please use the provided linting before commiting your code.

We are using diffrent npm packages and tools to ensure the best developer experience, for further reading please take a look at:


NMKR Studio Typescript-API-Client






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