This does a very tiny thing, vertically center-align callout titles that use markdown headers.
LYT-Mode Public
LYT Mode is for "Linking Your Thinking". It invokes sensemaking and lateral thinking.
Cybertron Public
A revised retro theme for Obsidian inspired by Cyberpunk 2077, Dynalist, Tron, The Terminator, Synthwave, and Keanu Reeves
obsidian-periodic-notes Public
Forked from liamcain/obsidian-periodic-notesCreate/manage your daily, weekly, and monthly notes in Obsidian
LYT-Kit-in-Mandarin Public
This is a 2021 version of the LYT Kit in Mandarin
17 UpdatedJan 14, 2022 -
obsidian-things Public
Forked from colineckert/obsidian-thingsAn Obsidian theme inspired by the beautifully-designed app, Things.
discourse_needsreply_LYT Public
Forked from akimboinc/discourse_needsreplyDiscourse theme component to add a custom menu item for topics that need more replies. Used for The Marketing Seminar.
Comfort-Coda Public
An Obsidian theme based on the background of Comfort Color Dark and the headers from Niko, with just a hint of CyberDynalSynth. This is my go-to theme for day to day working.
CyberDynalSynth Public
A retro theme for Obsidian inspired by Cyberpunk 2077, Dynalist, The Terminator, Synthwave, and Keanu Reeves
reddit.zettel.page Public
Forked from Kuratoro/zk.zettel.pager/Zettelkasten's Zettelkasten