This project showcase how FREE RTOS can be used for MirkoE development borad Sensor Fusion for ARMv8.
- Development board: [Fusion for ARMv8]
- Sensor development board: [Temp&Hum20 click]
- MCU board SiBRAIN for STM32: [STM32F407ZG]
- Development: [STM Cube IDE]
- FW download: [CODEGRIP]
- Serial port client: [PuTTY]
- Plug Temp&Hum20 click board to mikroBUS socket 1
- Plug SiBRAIN for STM32 (STM32F407ZG) to MCU card socket
- Connect POWER/DEBUG with host CPU in order to enable debugging as well as provide power for board
- Connect USB-UART with host CPU to enable sending messages to serial port (logging)
- Move pull up on port A swicth SW3
- Connect POWER/DEBUG port to the laptop for downloading and debug firmware purpose
- Conect USB-UART to the laptop
- PA5 button is used as user button
- Go to File->Import->General->Existing Projects into Workspace
- Navigate to the folder where project reside
- Configuring OpenOCD debugger:
- Configure printf with floating point numbers: