Mama's Restaurant is an ecommerce website built using React, Redux integrated with Node.js and Express backend.
A demo for the Website App is available here.
The app is responsive (suitable for different screen sizes - phone, tablet, etc.)
Home page /home
* Welcome home page.
* You can scroll and see pictures with effect, and get information about the restaurant.
* Each of the pages in the app is accompanied by a navbar that lets you navigate between the different app pages. The navbar also contains a cart button which is used as a pop-up on mouseover, Above it is a number showing the quantity of products in the cart.
Deliveries page
:- You can add a product to the cart
- You can use search input to search for a specific product by description, title or price
Gallery page
:- Image gallery received from the server (simulates access to the database)
Menu pages
:- Two menu pages, render the objects iteratively.
Admin page
:- An admin page can only be accessed if an admin user is logged in.
- The page that allows to view the database in json format.
- You can click on the arrows to view specific user's data.
Login page
:- You can enter email/username and password to login and receive a user data.
- To place a new order, you must login to the site.
Signup page
:- You can register a new user for the site.
- All fields must be entered in the right format to click on the Subscribe button.
Cart page
:- The selected products will appear in the cart.
- Products for a signed-in user will be stored in a database so that a user can see them even after the site is refreshed or exited.
- You can add a quantity to a specific product or delete it from the cart.
- You can see a summary of the quantity and cost of the products
Checkout page
:- This page shows user information includes address, name, email, etc.
- To place an order you can enter payment details in the correct format.
Terms of service page
:- Displays the terms of use before registering for the site.
Page not found page
/any other
:- This page will display when any route that is not defined is used.
Update user's items in db - POST
Authenticate user with cookie on lunching the app and getting user's data - GET
Admin get all database - GET
Login user - GET
Logout user - POST
Signup new user - POST
Delete a user - DELETE
Post a new order - POST
Get gallery images (Simulates database access) - GET
Serves react client static files - GET
- Git
- Node v10.16.1
- A fork/clone of this repo
- In react-restaurant-website directory run in terminal:
npm run app
- Open http://localhost:3005
- In project directory run in terminal:
npm test