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Rescript Fields

Elaborate form validation for Rescript

Fields is a module for managing the update and validation of complex input. The singular module type Field.T describes the requirements for creating, modifying and validating an input to produce either an output value or an error. Using Rescript "Module Functors" Fields can be built that compose other Fields (producing a tree of Fields) allowing validation and change reduction at each level. An attempt was made to implement common Fields and Field Patterns, and those are a large body of the library. see FieldArray or FieldProduct.
Each field is represented by a Field module that declares the storage, validation, and update of a value type.


  • Add @nobleai/rescript-fields to your project as you like
  • Add @nobleai/rescript-fields to bs-dev-dependenciesin bsconfig.json
  • build -with-deps

Provided Fields

  • FieldIdentity
  • FieldParse
  • FieldArray
  • FieldSum (FieldEither)
  • FieldProduct (FieldVector)
  • FieldOpt

Live example

yarn install; yarn rescript build; yarn run examples:everything

Login Form Example

module FieldPassword = FieldParse.String.Field
module FieldUsername = FieldParse.String.Field

module InputString = {
  // Render a single input controlled by the form
  let make = (~label, ~form: Fields.Form.t<FieldParse.String.Field.t, FieldParse.String.Field.actions<()>>) => {
        // input comes from the form.field
        // Changes are made by calling form.actions functions
        onChange={e => {
          let target = e->
      // Errors are taken from form.field

// Declare the structure of your desired output type
// This is outside of Generic to make accessors more easily available
type structure<'a, 'b> = {
  username: 'b,
  password: 'a,

// Give fields a map from your output type to a generic container (tuple)
module Generic = {
  type structure<'a, 'b> = structure<'a, 'b>

  let order = (password, username)
  let fromTuple = ((password, username)) => {username, password}

// Combine the Generic and child Fields to create a product field
module Field = FieldProduct.Product2.Make(

// Create a runtime context that includes validations
let contextValidate: Field.context = {
  validate: ({username, password}) => {
    ->Result.guard(_ => username != password, "Username and password must be different")
    // Simulate async
  inner: {
    username: {validate: FieldParse.String.length(~min=2, ())},
    password: {validate: FieldParse.String.length(~min=6, ())},

// Create a hook for running this field
module Form = UseField.Make(Field)

module Input = {
  // Render the inputs for a longin
  let make = (~form: Fields.Form.t<Field.t, Field.actions<()>>) => {
    // All composite fields will provide "split" to traverse into their children
    // These children will boe Form.t for each child field respectively
    let {username, password} = form->Field.split

      <InputString label="Username" form=username />
      <InputString label="Password" form=password />

let make = (~onSubmit) => {
  let form = Form.use(. 

  let handleSubmit = React.useMemo1( () => {
    (_) => form.field->Field.output->>Option.void
  }, [form.field->Field.output])

  <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
    <div className="container">
      <Input form />
      <button type_="submit"> {"Sign In"->React.string} </button>


  • debounced asyc validation
  • graphql async validation based on hook provided function
  • optimistic update chaging form twice?
  • Realign Polyvariant #A, #B, etc with sum 'a, 'b etc.