Nomic Client 3.0.0: Slugs, AtlasDataset and Developer Ergonomics
Nomic Client 3.0.0
New Features
- All identifiers moved to unique, human-readable, URL valid organization/project slugs. These are auto-created for you on dataset creation and are ensured to be unique across your Atlas organization
from nomic import AtlasDataset
dataset = AtlasDataset('my-organization/my-dataset')
- AtlasProject renamed to AtlasDataset
- Makes supplying an index_name optional (by being set to None)
- map_data unifies easy interfaces for indexing datasets.
- map_embeddings, map_text in favor a single map_data
- Deprecates iterable in map_text, map_data will no longer support this iterable workflow. Use AtlasDataset and .add_data instead.
Transitioning from 2.x to 3.x
- Rename all map_text and map_embedding calls to map_data
- Replace any use of AtlasProject with AtlasDataset
- See examples in the python client examples folder for details.