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v2.1.0 - haiti goes fzfffff

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@noraj noraj released this 12 Nov 17:22
· 61 commits to master since this release


  • ☀️ new commands to select the mode/format in hashcat/john using haiti and fzf

Classical haiti usage:


John the Ripper usage with haiti and fzf (john-haiti):


fzf fuzzy search demo (haiti-fzf):



  • Additions:
    • 4 new binaries
      • hashcat-haiti: wrapper for Hashcat where you can select the mode using haiti and fzf
      • john-haiti: wrapper for John the Ripper where you can select the format using haiti and fzf
      • haiti-fzf: select a Hashcat or John the Ripper reference with fzf from one of the matching hash types
        • mostly useful for hashcat-haiti and john-haiti or building another binary or alias that will make use of haiti with fzf input
      • haiti-parsable: display hash types matching that have a Hashcat reference in an easily parsable format
        • mostly useful for haiti-fzf or building another binary or alias
  • Documentation:
