creates AWS infrastructure for reviewing static website. compatible with ntno/tf-module-static-site.
Artifact Bucket:
- used to store rendered site content
CI Role:
- read/write to objects in artifact bucket
- create cloudformation stacks (restricted by stack name)
- create/destroy S3 buckets for static website testing (restricted by bucket name)
- read/write to temporary S3 buckets
- read/write on specified SSM parameters (optional)
- role assumption restricted to a specific github environment
CD Role(s):
- read/write to objects in artifact bucket
- read/write to objects in site bucket
- invalidate on cloudfront distribution for site (optional)
- read/write on specified SSM parameters (optional)
- role assumption restricted to a specific github environment
(optional)- this allows you to restrict who can deploy to the CD environment via repository/workflow settings
- set up GitHub OpenID Connect provider
- create GitHub environments if using optional
input- GitHub environments are not required, if
is left blank role may be assumed by workflows for any branch in the repository
- GitHub environments are not required, if
Assume the following steps have already been completed:
- set up GitHub OpenID Connect provider (see prerequisites)
- create S3 static website bucket
- See
for complete example
- See
GitHub Environment created inntno/
repository (required for this example)
module "portfolio_site_cicd" {
source = "git::"
artifact_bucket_name = ""
github_org = "ntno"
github_repo = ""
tags = local.global_tags
integration_environment = {
environment_id = "integration"
github_environment_name = "gh-ci"
ci_prefix = "ntno-net-ci-pr"
tags = {
project-environment = "integration"
deployment_environments = {
"production" = {
deploy_bucket = ""
github_environment_name = "gh-prod"
cloudfront_distribution_id =
ssm_read_paths = []
tags = {
project-environment = "production"
Assume the following steps have already been completed:
- set up GitHub OpenID Connect provider (see prerequisites)
- create S3 static website buckets
- See
for complete example
- See
# update x.x.x to desired version
module "demo_site_cicd" {
source = "git::"
artifact_bucket_name = "factually-settled-boxer-artifacts"
github_org = "ntno"
github_repo = "mkdocs-demo"
tags = local.global_tags
integration_environment = {
environment_id = "integration"
ci_prefix = format("%s-%s-ci-pr-", "ntno", "mkdocs-demo")
tags = {
project-environment = "integration"
deployment_environments = {
"production" = {
deploy_bucket = "factually-settled-boxer"
tags = {
project-environment = "production"
"development" = {
deploy_bucket = "factually-settled-boxer-development"
tags = {
project-environment = "development"