Dockerized Development Environment.
- PHP7
based on php:7-fpm
With OpCache, XDebug, Git, Composer, Curl, MySQL-client, ... - NginX
based on nginx:latest With configfiles for Symfony or Sulu CMS - MySQL
mysql:latest - MailHog mailhog/mailhog:latest
Simple, but complete PHP development environment with as base principal: nothing should be installed on the host. Basic dev tools are available in the PHP container. Your .ssh folder is made available in the PHP container through volume mapping. See the Basic usage section.
When using bash in a PHP container some great little tools are made available like GIT completion and the prompt known from debian distributions.
There's still a lot to add - which I'll do while using this DDE (Dockerized Development Environment). If you find any issues let me know through the issue tracker ( or send me an e-mail ([email protected]).
Every project (/.) has it's own development environment (/docker) and codebase (/app).
To start the containers run from your projectroot:
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d
To work on your projectfiles from a shell:
$ docker-compose exec php bash
The webserver will present your artwork by default on
Use the 'docker-compose-key' as dbhost from within linked containers. Default DB settings are:
- DBHost: db
- DBUser: root
- DBPass: changeme
Start the mysql-client from within the PHP container:
$ mysql -hdb -uroot -p
Start the mysql-client from your host machine:
$ docker-compose exec php mysql -hdb -uroot -p
Use these SMTP settings in your PHP scripts:
- SMTPhost: mailhog
- Port: 1025
To see received mail visit: (or http://localhost:8025)
- change your User Git name in docker/php/.gitconfig
- change your User Git email address in docker/php/.gitconfig
- change your Xdebug remote host IP address in docker/php/xdebug.ini
- Set up nginx: Choose between the default symfony.cms.conf or sulu.cms.conf configuration or add your own in docker/nginx/ Make sure you copy the right configuration to your container by editing docker/nginx/Dockerfile At last, check the NginX server name and NginX root path in your NginX config file. You can use all the defaults if you like - but don't forget to add to your /etc/hosts file.
- add your servername to your hostsfile: