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This package provides the functions to output text to debuggers on Windows

( Renamed and simplified from go-outputdebug )

  • On Windows, the functions call the OutputDebugStringW API
  • With the compile option -tags=ndebug, debug strings are discarded
  • On non-Windows operating systems, the functions do nothing
  • You can check if debugging is enabled or disabled by referring to dbg.Enabled
package main

import (

func main() {
    dbg.Print("output", 1, "text")
    dbg.Printf("output<%d>text", 1)
    dbg.Println("output", 1, "text")

    println("Enabled=", dbg.Enabled)
> start dbgview.exe
> go run example.go

Screenshot of DebugView for Windows

screen shot

dbg.X is the small function similar with dbg! on Rust.

package main

import (

func main() {
    println(dbg.X(1 + 2))
> start dbgview.exe
> go run example2.go

screen shot