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This repository contains the boilerplate for a Next.js TypeScript project. To set your project up with just one command, add the following script to your .bashrc file:

function nextinit() {
    # Clones the repo
    git clone --depth=1 .
    # Remove the git history
    rm -rf ./.git
    # Reinitialises git
    git init
    # Installs the dependencies
    pnpm i
    pnpm update --latest
    # Creates files which git ignores
    touch .env
    mkdir .vscode
    touch .vscode/settings.json
    echo -e "{\n\t\"vitest.commandLine\": \"pnpx vitest watch\",\n\t\"vitest.enable\": true\n}" > .vscode/settings.json
    mkdir public
    mkdir src/hooks
    mkdir src/contexts
    mkdir src/assets
    mkdir src/assets/images
    mkdir src/app/api
    # Opens the index file in VSCode
    code ./src/app/\(pages\)/\(home\)/page.tsx

To use the function, simply run the command nextinit in an empty directory using a fresh bash terminal.