Localpass is a web application that you can manage your credentials in a secure solution. Every fields of password is encrypted. The project consist of two side. The backend side is written with Java Spring Boot, the frontend side is written with vueJs.
Technologies & Frameworks
- Backend
- Spring Boot: 2.1.3.RELEASE
- data-jpa
- web
- security
- test
- jsonwebtoken
- postgreSQL
- docker
- maven-surefire
- Spring Boot: 2.1.3.RELEASE
Project Technical Description
Project uses JPA for db operations(CRUD). There is an authentication and authorization system on the backend server using spring boot security. It uses custom filters. There is a cors configuration for set allowed origins, methods and exposed headers. The project has custom exceptions and exception handler for any api operations. Lastly, Docker and CircleCI integrated into the be project.
REST Routes
Name | Path | HTTP Verb | Purpose |
register | /api/v1/user/register | POST | register new user |
login | /api/v1/user/login | POST | login with username and password and get token |
listPasswords | /api/v1/password/list | GET | list all passwords |
savePassword | /api/v1/password/save | POST | save new password |
updatePassword | /api/v1/password/update | PUT | update specified password |
deletePassword | /api/v1/password/delete | DELETE | delete specified password |
- At project root directory, execute
docker-compose build
to create postgreSQL and backend images for docker. - To start containers, execute
docker-compose up
- The container will start after these commands and you can reach to be server from
. You can change port from Dockerfile (at src/main/docker/Dockerfile).
- Install dependencies with
mvn clean install
- Change postgreSQL configurations according to your server. Default configuration is local postgre server. (src/main/resources/application.properties)
- [OPTIONAL] Run local postgre server on docker :
docker run -p 5432:5432 --name postgre_local -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -e POSTGRES_USER=root -d postgres
- Run backend server with
mvn spring-boot:run
command or your existing IDE.