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This project includes examples of using StreamSets DataOps Platform SDK for Python

Control Hub API Credentials

The examples assume you have set and exported your Control Hub CRED_ID and CRED_TOKEN as environment variables before you run the Python scripts. For example:

export CRED_ID=be87...
export CRED_TOKEN=eyJ0eX...

This allows the Python scripts to avoid having CRED_ID and CRED_TOKEN values within the scripts.


This example starts a Job.

Set the JOB_ID within the script, and optionally, a set of Job Runtime Parameters, then execute the script. You should see output like this:

$ python3
2023-03-13 21:19:20 Connecting to Control Hub
2023-03-13 21:19:21 Found Job with name 'Job for Pipeline_1'
2023-03-13 21:19:21 Job status is 'INACTIVE'
2023-03-13 21:19:21 Setting Job parameters...
2023-03-13 21:19:21 Starting Job...
2023-03-13 21:19:31 Job status is ACTIVE
2023-03-13 21:19:31 Done

This example restarts a Job.

Same as the previous example, but this time the script will stop the Job if it is already running, wait for the Job to transition to an INACTIVE state,. and then start it again.

$ python3
2023-03-13 21:35:03 Connecting to Control Hub
2023-03-13 21:35:05 Found Job with name 'Job for Pipeline_1'
2023-03-13 21:35:05 Job status is 'ACTIVE'
2023-03-13 21:35:05 Attempting to stop Job...
2023-03-13 21:35:18 Waiting for Job to become INACTIVE
2023-03-13 21:35:28 Job status is INACTIVE
2023-03-13 21:35:28 Setting Job parameters...
2023-03-13 21:35:28 Starting Job...
2023-03-13 21:35:38 Job status is ACTIVE
2023-03-13 21:35:38 Done

This example stops a Job.

Set the JOB_ID within the script then execute the script. You should see output like this:

$ python3
2023-03-13 21:40:29 Connecting to Control Hub
2023-03-13 21:40:31 Found Job with name 'Job for Pipeline_1'
2023-03-13 21:40:31 Job status is 'ACTIVE'
2023-03-13 21:40:31 Stopping Job...
2023-03-13 21:40:40 Job status is INACTIVE
2023-03-13 21:40:40 Done

This example creates and starts a set of Job Template Instances.

Set the Job Template ID as well as a set of Job Template Instance runtime parameter values within the script, then run the script. The number of Job Template Instances that are launched depends on the size of the Job Template Instance runtime parameter array you set.

For example, the script sets the runtime parameters like this:

RUNTIME_PARAMETERS = [{'PARAM_1': 'aaa', 'PARAM_2': '111'}, {'PARAM_1': 'bbb', 'PARAM_2': '222'}]

with two sets of parameters, which results in two Job Template instances being created and started. You should see output like this.

$ python3
2023-03-13 21:47:29 Connecting to Control Hub
2023-03-13 21:47:31 Found Job Template with name 'Job Template for Pipeline_1'
2023-03-13 21:47:31 Starting 2 Job Template Instances
2023-03-13 21:48:08 Done

This example programmatically builds a Pipeline and Job and publishes them to Control Hub.

The script builds a trivial "Dev Data Generator to Trash" pipeline but also includes in the comments the code for a more complex JDBC to Kafka pipeline.

Within the script , set the variable SDC_URL to the URL of an authoring SDC. For example, in my environment I have set that vairalbe like this:

SDC_URL = ''

The console output looks like this:

$ python3
2023-03-13 21:54:08 Connecting to Control Hub
2023-03-13 21:54:12 Adding pipeline to Control Hub
2023-03-13 21:54:14 Adding Job to Control Hub
2023-03-13 21:54:14 Done

This example retrieves metrics for a given Job.

Set the JOB_ID in the script and excecute it. Example output is:

$ python3
2023-03-13 21:56:16 Connecting to Control Hub
2023-03-13 21:56:18 Found Job with name 'Job for Pipeline_1'
Run Number: 4
Input Count: 298000
Output Count: 298000
Total Error Count: 0
Run Number: 3
Input Count: 933000
Output Count: 933000
Total Error Count: 0
Run Number: 2
Input Count: 266000
Output Count: 266000
Total Error Count: 0
Run Number: 1
Input Count: 368000
Output Count: 368000
Total Error Count: 0
2023-03-13 21:56:18 Done

This example gets metrics for all Data Collectors as well as a list of all pipelines running per SDC.

Execute the script and the output should look like this:

$ python3
2023-03-13 22:01:56 Connecting to Control Hub
CPU LOAD: 0.49
MEMORY (MB): 987.59
Running Pipelines Count: 4
Running Pipelines:
{'pipeline': 'Weather to ADLS', 'type': 'Job', 'status': 'DISCONNECTED', 'last_reported_time': 1678480415198, 'message': 'The pipeline was stopped because the node process was shutdown. '}
{'pipeline': 'Weather to  S3', 'type': 'Job', 'status': 'DISCONNECTED', 'last_reported_time': 1678480415198, 'message': 'The pipeline was stopped because the node process was shutdown. '}
{'pipeline': 'Get Weather Events', 'type': 'Job', 'status': 'DISCONNECTED', 'last_reported_time': 1678480415198, 'message': 'The pipeline was stopped because the node process was shutdown. '}
{'pipeline': 'Weather to Snowflake', 'type': 'Job', 'status': 'DISCONNECTED', 'last_reported_time': 1678480415198, 'message': 'The pipeline was stopped because the node process was shutdown. '}
CPU LOAD: 0.62
MEMORY (MB): 2956.88
Running Pipelines Count: 2
Running Pipelines:
{'pipeline': 'Job Template for Pipeline_1 - aaa', 'type': 'Job', 'status': 'RUNNING', 'last_reported_time': 1678770084783, 'message': None}
{'pipeline': 'Job Template for Pipeline_1 - bbb', 'type': 'Job', 'status': 'RUNNING', 'last_reported_time': 1678770084783, 'message': None}
CPU LOAD: 0.13
MEMORY (MB): 1014.38
Running Pipelines Count: 0
Running Pipelines:
2023-03-13 22:01:58 Done

This example upgrades a Job to run a different version of a pipeline than the Job is currently running. This is typically part of a CI/CD process where a new version of a pipeline is promoted to a higher environment. If the Job is already running, the script will upgrade and then restart the Job.

Within the script, set the JOB_ID and the new version of the pipeline to upgrade the Job to. Here is sample output:

$ python3
2023-03-13 22:08:56 Connecting to Control Hub
2023-03-13 22:08:58 Found Job with name 'Job for Pipeline_1'
2023-03-13 22:08:58 Job's pipeline name: Pipeline_1
2023-03-13 22:08:58 Job's current pipeline version: 4'
2023-03-13 22:08:58 Looking for pipeline version '6' of pipeline 'Pipeline_1'...
2023-03-13 22:08:58 Found version '6' of pipeline 'Pipeline_1'
2023-03-13 22:08:58 Upgrading Job to version '6' of pipeline 'Pipeline_1'
2023-03-13 22:08:59 Done

This example exports Fragments, Pipelines, Jobs, and Job Templates.

Set the variable EXPORT_BASE_DIR within the script and execute it.

As DRAFT versions of Fragment and Pipelines are not exportable, the script will export the latest commit (if one exists) for Fragments and Pipelines that have DRAFT versions.

Sample output looks like this:

$ python3

Exporting resources to /home/mark/streamsets-export

Exporting Fragments
Exporting fragment'Apply XSL to XML' version '5'

Exporting fragment'Audit' version '1'

Here is an example message for a DRAFT version of a Fragment for which the last committed version is exported instead:

Fragment 'S3-Origin' version '2-DRAFT' will not be exported because it is a DRAFT version.
--> Exporting Fragment 'S3-Origin version '1' instead.

And here is an example message for a version 1-DRAFT of a Fragment for which nothing is exported:

Fragment 'SDC Record to XML' version '1-DRAFT' has no committed versions and will not be exported.

When the script completes, you should see four child directories created within the export base directory, like this:

$ ls -l /home/mark/streamsets-export/
total 32
drwxrwxr-x 2 mark mark  4096 Mar 11 01:46 fragments
drwxrwxr-x 2 mark mark  4096 Mar 11 01:49 job-templates
drwxrwxr-x 2 mark mark  4096 Mar 11 01:49 jobs
drwxrwxr-x 2 mark mark 20480 Mar 11 01:48 pipelines

Within each child directory you should see individual zip archives for each resource that was exported. For example:

$ ls -l /home/mark/streamsets-export/pipelines/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mark mark  59977 Mar 11 01:46 'ADLS to Azure'
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mark mark  54639 Mar 11 01:46 'ADLS to'
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mark mark  59055 Mar 11 01:46 'ADLS to'
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mark mark  50172 Mar 11 01:46 'AWS Secret'
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mark mark  55461 Mar 11 01:46 'Async HTTP Calls using'
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mark mark  51213 Mar 11 01:46 'Avro to


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