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StreamSets Job Metrics to Snowflake

This project provides an example of how to replicate StreamSets Job Metrics to Snowflake.

This allows operators to easily run SQL queries and build custom dashboards on top of StreamSets Job metrics and history. For example, one could display a list of currently running Jobs with their record counts, or compare historical record counts and performance metrics of the same Job run every day for the past month.

Important note: This example uses a Shell Executor. For production use, make sure to configure Data Collector Shell Impersonation Mode.

Design Approach

There are several ways one could implement this functionality:

  • A StreamSets pipeline could use the StreamSets REST API to get Job history and metrics and merge the data into a Snowflake table. The advantages of this approach include the use of a single pipeline without needing a Shell Executor, a Snowflake connector with merge and data-drift support, scheduling, monitoring and failover; however, getting and filtering Job history and metrics using the REST API is complicated.

  • Alternatively, one could use the StreamSets SDK for Python to perform the same actions. The advantages of this approach include an elegant and convenient syntax for getting Job history and metrics, but would require custom code to merge the data into Snowflake, and has no built-in scheduling, monitoring or failover.

  • A hybrid approach! This example uses a StreamSets SDK script within a pipeline to get the best of both worlds: an elegant retrieval of Job history and metrics using the SDK, and all of the operational benefits of using a StreamSets pipeline including scheduling, monitoring and failover.

The example pipeline allows the user to set a lookback period that determines how far back in time to get Job history and metrics for, for example 5 minutes, 1 hour, 24 hours, 30 days, etc...

The script is idempotent, so running it multiple times will not result in duplicate data in Snowflake. For Jobs that are actively running across two or more executions of the script, the Job run's metrics will be updated.

A Job could be created for this pipeline, and that Job could be scheduled to run as often as necessary, for example, to keep a dashboard updated every five minutes. One could run the Job an initial time with a lookback of 30 days, and then schedule the Job to run every 5 minutes with a lookback of 5 minutes to keep things up to date.


  • A Python 3.6+ environment with the StreamSets Platform SDK v6.0+ module installed. This example was tested using Python 3.11.5 and StreamSets SDK v6.3.

  • StreamSets API Credentials

  • Additional configuration is needed if you want to run this project on Kubernetes. See the "Running this project on Kubernetes" section at the end of this readme for details

Deploying the Example

Deploy and Test the SDK Script

  • Copy the file to a location on the Data Collector machine. I'll copy mine to /home/mark/scripts/

  • Export your StreamSets Platform API Credentials:

$ export CRED_ID="..."
$ export CRED_TOKEN="..."
  • Execute the script passing it the name of a metrics file to be written and the number of lookback minutes:
$ python3 /tmp/streamsets_job_metrics.json 60

You should see output like this:

$ python3 /tmp/streamsets_job_metrics.json 60
Current time is 2024-05-26 17:49:23
Lookback minutes is 60
Will get metrics for Jobs started after 2024-05-26 16:49:23
Metrics will be written to the file /tmp/streamsets_job_metrics.json
Connected to Control Hub
Found 7 Job Runs within lookback window
Writing Metrics

Inspect the metrics file written by the script. It should look like this:

$ cat /tmp/streamsets_job_metrics.json
{"ID": "208e479f-c34c-4379-8529-c03d5c6d3f60:8030c2e9-1a39-11ec-a5fe-97c8d4369386", "NAME": "Get Weather Events", "CREATETIME": 1696984398077, "LASTMODIFIEDON": 1716475664195, "PIPELINENAME": "Get Weather Events", "PIPELINECOMMITLABEL": "v39", "RUNCOUNT": 110, "STARTTIME": 1716745144841, "FINISHTIME": 0, "ERRORMESSAGE": null, "COLOR": "GREEN", "STATUS": "ACTIVE", "INPUTRECORDS": 499, "OUTPUTRECORDS": 499, "ERRORRECORDS": 0}
{"ID": "fe9605ab-4912-4181-a315-e49d031a0d50:8030c2e9-1a39-11ec-a5fe-97c8d4369386", "NAME": "Oracle to Snowflake Bulk Load", "CREATETIME": 1716561746294, "LASTMODIFIEDON": 1716562027770, "PIPELINENAME": "Oracle to Snowflake Bulk Load", "PIPELINECOMMITLABEL": "v9", "RUNCOUNT": 12, "STARTTIME": 1716745294569, "FINISHTIME": 1716745325738, "ERRORMESSAGE": null, "COLOR": "GRAY", "STATUS": "INACTIVE", "INPUTRECORDS": 26079, "OUTPUTRECORDS": 26082, "ERRORRECORDS": 0}
{"ID": "de4a50a5-7f81-4f55-8dd7-1fc8614c2148:8030c2e9-1a39-11ec-a5fe-97c8d4369386", "NAME": "Weather Raw to Refined", "CREATETIME": 1716330812999, "LASTMODIFIEDON": 1716475898652, "PIPELINENAME": "Weather Raw to Refined", "PIPELINECOMMITLABEL": "v26", "RUNCOUNT": 7, "STARTTIME": 1716745145236, "FINISHTIME": 0, "ERRORMESSAGE": null, "COLOR": "GREEN", "STATUS": "ACTIVE", "INPUTRECORDS": 497, "OUTPUTRECORDS": 497, "ERRORRECORDS": 0}

Import and Configure the pipeline

Import the pipeline from the archive file pipelines/

The pipeline looks like this:


Set the following pipeline parameters:

  • STREAMSETS_SDK_SCRIPT - the path to the SDK script
  • LOOKBACK_MINUTES - the number of previous minutes to get Job run metrics for
  • JOB_METRICS_FILE - An absolute path to the job metrics file the SDK script will write

For example, I'll use these parameters in my environment:


Set a Snowflake Connection in the Snowflake Destination as well as all required Snowflake properties (warehouse, database, schema, table name, etc...). I'll use the table name STREAMSETS_JOB_METRICS

The Snowflake Destination has Table Auto Create and Data Drift Enabled enabled, and has a composite primary-key set for the target table on the ID and RUNCOUNT columns to support CDC(merge) like this:


Note the pipeline calls the SDK script in a Start Event:


In order to avoid hard-coding API credentials into the SDK script or the pipeline, the credentials are read from the environment. In the screenshot above, you can see I have loaded the values from the files CRED_ID and CRED_TOKEN loaded as Runtime Resources.

Important note: Make sure to set the Shell Executor's Environment Timeout(ms) property (see the screenshot above) to a value long enough to let the script complete. For example, if you are getting the history of tens of thousands of Jobs you might need to increase the default value. You can run the SDK script in standalone mode as described above to observe how long the script takes to run in your environment.

Run the Pipeline

Run the pipeline and you should see the number of Job run metrics pulled from Control Hub and written to Snowflake:


The shell script's messages are captured in the pipeline's log:


View the data in Snowflake

The pipeline created the following Snowflake table:


Here are some sample queries that can be run in Snowflake:

Find all Jobs started after a particular point in time

select  name, status, starttime, finishtime, inputrecords, outputrecords, errormessage 
from streamsets_job_metrics 
where STARTTIME > '2024-05-24 15:08:18.394'


Compare all historical runs of a given Job

select name, runcount, starttime, inputrecords, outputrecords, errormessage, 
from streamsets_job_metrics 
where name = 'Oracle to Snowflake Bulk Load' 
order by runcount DESC

Note the Job's error message captured in run #9:


Find all Active Jobs:

select  name, status, starttime, inputrecords, outputrecords, errormessage 
from streamsets_job_metrics 
where status = 'ACTIVE'


Or course, many more queries, analytics, dashboards, and anomaly detection routines can be applied to this data.

Capturing Oracle CDC Metrics

This project can also capture Oracle CDC Metrics, such as the metric Read lag (seconds) for pipelines that use the original StreamSets Oracle CDC Client Origin or the metric Server Instant Latency for pipelines that use the newer StreamSets Oracle CDC Origin.

To enable capture of either of these metrics, add a Job tag with the value oracle_cdc to your Oracle CDC Job(s).

With that tag in place, the SDK script will capture the relevant SDC Oracle CDC gauge value, and, thanks to data-drift support in the StreamSets Snowflake Connector, will add a column named either ORACLE_CDC_LAG_TIME_SECONDS for the old connector or ORACLE_CDC_SERVER_INSTANT_LATENCY for the new connector to the STREAMSETS_JOB_METRICS table.

You should see additional log messages when Oracle CDC metrics are captured, like this:


Note that these latency metrics are only meaningful for ACTIVE jobs.

Here is a query that shows the metric captured for the old Oracle CDC Client origin:

select name, status, starttime, inputrecords, outputrecords, errorrecords, oracle_cdc_lag_time_seconds  
from streamsets_job_metrics 
where name = 'Oracle CDC to Snowflake' and status = 'ACTIVE'


And here is a query that shows the metric captured for the new Oracle CDC origin:

select  name, status, starttime, inputrecords, outputrecords, 
from streamsets_job_metrics 
where status = 'ACTIVE' and name = 'Oracle CDC to Snowflake (new Connector)'


As Oracle CDC gauges are not yet propagated to Control Hub, this capability requires the Python script to be able to connect directly to the Data Collector.

Running this project on Kubernetes

In order to run this project on Kubernetes, the following additional configuration steps are needed:

  • The StreamSets engine's container must have a Python3 environment with the StreamSets SDK module installed. See below for details on how to configure that.

  • The Python scripts must be available to the pipeline. See below for one way to handle that, using an NFS shared directory volume-mounted into the container.

  • The Python scripts needs access to the appropriate StreamSets API keys. We'll handle that by storing a CRED_ID and CRED_TOKEN in a secret, and volume-mounting the secret into the container.

  • Paths to the SDK scripts and the API Creds within the pipeline will need to be adjusted accordingly. See below for full details.

Create a Custom StreamSets Image with the StreamSets SDK installed

One can extend the default StreamSets image and add a Python environment and the StreamSets SDK module by using a Dockerfile like this:

FROM streamsets/datacollector:6.0.0
RUN sudo dnf install -y python3.11
RUN sudo dnf install -y python3-pip
RUN sudo pip3 install streamsets

Note that StreamSets v6.0.0 and higher are based on RHEL 9.4 so the installation commands above use dnf, whereas older versions of StreamSets were based on Ubuntu and would need to use apt-get instead

To run this example, build and push a custom image using that Dockerfile with your own namespace/image-name:tag, like this:

docker build -t $IMAGE_NAME .
docker push $IMAGE_NAME

Volume-Mount the project's SDK scripts (the Python files) into the container.

I'll store the two Python files on a shared directory on an NFS server, at this path:

$ ls -l /mnt/share/resources/sdk-scripts/
total 12
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mark mark 8091 Jan  8 01:24
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mark mark 3360 Jan  8 01:25

Add an NFS Volume to the Deployment manifest mapped to that directory on the NFS server:

  - name: sdk-scripts
      path: /mnt/share/resources/sdk-scripts
      readOnly: true

Add a VolumeMount to the Deployment manifest:

  - name: sdk-scripts 
    mountPath: /resources/sdk-scripts

Once the StreamSets engine is launched, the SDK scripts will be visible within their own directory within the engine's resources directory, so we'll be able to load them using the runtime:loadResource function. Once the container is deployed, you should be able to see the scripts inside the container like this:

$ kubectl exec -it streamsets-deployment-ab4ce983-1752-4dba-a902-de4a93da7defztlns -- bash -c 'ls -l /resources/sdk-scripts'
total 12
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000 8091 Jan  8 01:24
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000 3360 Jan  8 01:25

Store StreamSets API Keys in a Secret and Volume-Mount them into the container

Create a Secret to hold a StreamSets API CRED_ID and CRED_TOKEN. I'll store them both in the same secret, loading their values from files, like this:

$ kubectl create secret generic streamsets-api-creds \
    --from-file CRED_ID.txt \
    --from-file CRED_TOKEN.txt 

Add another Volume for the secret to the Volume section created in the previous step:

  - name: streamsets-api-creds
      secretName: streamsets-api-creds

Add another VolumeMount for the secret to the VolumeMount section created in the previous step:

  - name: streamsets-api-creds
    mountPath: /resources/streamsets-api-creds

Once the StreamSets engine is launched, the API keys should be visible within the container like this:

$ kubectl exec -it streamsets-deployment-ab4ce983-1752-4dba-a902-de4a93da7defztlns -- bash -c 'ls -l /resources/streamsets-api-creds'
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 Jan  8 01:42 CRED_ID.txt ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 Jan  8 01:42 CRED_TOKEN.txt ->

Set the path to the SDK Script in the pipeline parameters

Here is an example of setting the path to the SDK script within the resources directory, that uses the sdk-scripts subdirectory mounted from the NFS share:


Set the paths to the API Credentials

Here is an example of setting the paths to the CRED_ID and CRED_TOKEN files volume-mounted from the secret within the pipeline's Start Event using the runtime:loadResource function:


Example Deployment YAML

An example Deployment YAML is here, which includes a custom image name and Volumes and VolumeMounts for the NFS share and the Secret.

--> Once these additional configuration steps are complete, you should be able to run this project on Kubernetes.


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