citygml2pgsql converts buildings found in a CityGML file to MultiPolygon insert statements aimed at PosgresSQL/PostGIS.
CREATE TABLE buildings (id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, filename TEXT, lod2 GEOMETRY(MultipolygonZ, 3857));
CREATE TABLE imports (filename TEXT, md5sum CHAR(32), count INTEGER);
Configure database, column names and target SRS in config.yaml
Then, run
python <input_folder> <input_srs> <lod>
# e.g.
python data/gml_files/ 25832 lod2
Our work was funded by BMBF Prototype Fund:

Forked from Original Credits:
This plugin has been developed by Oslandia ( ).
First release was funded by European Union (FEDER related to the e-PLU project) and by Oslandia.
This work is free software and licenced under the MIT licence. See LICENSE file.