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Stale Statefulset PersistentVolumeClaims cleaner (Experimental)

Kuberenetes allows dynamic creation of persistent volume claims (PVCs) for Statefulsets based volume claim templates. These statefulset PVCs get bound the pods automatically and even after destruction of the pods either by scaling down the statefulset or deleting the statefulset entirely these PVCs stick around which leave them in a 'dangling' state. In the context of persistent identity of pods in a statefulset, this might be beneficial in certain situations as the PVCs would bind to the same pod if the statefulset scaled back up again. However, mostly these dangling PVCs take up resources and need manual intervention to be deleted. This project creates a binary which could be run as a job or a cron job to interact with the Kubernetes API and indentify and delete such dangling PVCs.


  • Create service account and cluster roles to allow the binary to interact with the Kuberenets API

    kubectl apply -f deploy/sa.yaml

  • Build the latest image (can be skipped if pre-built image is used)

    make stale-sts-pvc-cleaner-image

  • Update image and service account details in yaml and create the job

    kubectl apply -f deploy/job.yaml

Build and Release

To build binary for a desired platform and architecture, run make stale-sts-pvc-cleaner with envrionmet variables XC_OS and XC_ARCH specifying the platform and architecture. The binaries will get created under the bin directory.

To build multiple binaries at once, update .goreleaser.yml and run goreleaser build, the binaries will be created under the dist directory. To build and release on github and/or dockerhub run goreleaser. Setting up goreleaser is a prequisite for this, please find details for the same here.


Unit Tests

envtest is a prequisite to run unit tests. envtest helps write in testing controllers by setting up and starting an instance of etcd and the Kubernetes API server, without kubelet, controller-manager or other components. Find more details here.

To run unit tests, run make test

Integration Tests

Requires an active Kubernetes cluster.

make integration-test