Releases: opentiny/tiny-vue
Releases · opentiny/tiny-vue
What's Changed
Exciting New Features 🎉
- feat(anchor): The first function of the anchor component is added: basic use of by @chenxi-20 in #30.
- feat(modal): The modal component by @MNZhu in #19 is added to the feedback pop-up window.
- feat(button): Button component style modification by @MNZhu in #21
- feat(multi-select): The multi-select component by @TC-twwang in #22 is added.
- feat(search): search component style modification by @MNZhu in #33
- feat(anchor): adds the anchor component onchange event by @chenxi-20 in #35.
- feat(timeline): The index attribute by @chenxi-20 in #39 is added to the timeline slot scope.
- feat(timeline): The timeline style is modified by @MNZhu in #38.
- feat(form): The by @TC-twwang in #40 is added to the form component.
- feat(indexbar): Add the index component by @MNZhu in #47.
- feat(form): Adding line wrap to the form component - Modified by @TC-twwang in #54 according to review comments.
- feat (anchor): The fixed mode is added to the anchor component, and the bug in the sample document is fixed. by @chenxi-20 in #49
- feat(anchor): Fix review comments, synchronize remote code by @chenxi-20 in #55
- feat(anchor): Adjust the anchor component to adapt to the theme configuration by @chenxi-20 in #57.
- feat(badge): add badge-class close #50 by @kagol in #51
- feat(tag): add beforeDelete props by @kagol in #52
- feat(form): Add automatic line wrap to the form component - add condition verification on the mobile client by @TC-twwang in #58
- feat(switch): add beforeChange props by @kagol in #59
- feat(fullscreen): add beforeChange props by @kagol in #61
- feat(badge): add offset props by @kagol in #63
- feat(tabs): The tabs component supports the expansion of by @TC-twwang in #60.
- feat(split): add collapsible props by @kagol in #64
- feat(pull-refresh): The pull-refresh component supports the pull-up refresh of by @TC-twwang in #67.
- feat(tabs): Added the tip configuration for the tabs component to exceed the hidden tip configuration by @chenxi-20 in #68.
- feat(action-menu): Fix the actionMenu drop-down arrow rotates up by @MomoPoppy in #70
- feat(transfer): add beforeTransfer props by @kagol in #75
- feat(search): add prefix/suffix slots by @kagol in #77
Bug Fixes 🐛
- fix(ipaddress): Add numeric and ipaddress verification examples by @shenjunjian in #29 to the form example.
- fix: Fix build error by @kagol in #25
- Fix: The version dependency of echarts and cropperjs is outdated. by @yuanningning in #27
- fix(grid): Fixed the horizontal scroll bar issue that always exists when the table is in virtual scroll mode by @zzcr in #32
- fix(checkbox): In vue3 mode, the change event of checkbox-group is triggered twice. by @shenjunjian in #31
- fix(anchor): Fix the anchor component MD document description by @chenxi-20 in #34
- fix(milestone): Fix milestone icon misalignment bug by @chenxi-20 in #37
- fix: The new notify height error by @rayhaoqin in #26 is rectified when two notify values with different heights exist.
- fix(switch): The prompt text of the switch component is displayed only for the first time. After the switch status is switched, the prompt text disappears. by @yuanningning in #42
- fix(tiny-loading): The loading component reports error bug by @zzcr in #46 in vue 2.0.
- fix(indexbar): class naming modification by @MNZhu in #56
- fix(dropdown): fix dropdown dropdown arrow rotates up by @MomoPoppy in #45
- fix(cascader): Fixed an issue where attributes of cascaded components cannot be transparently transmitted. by @rayhaoqin in #66
- fix(dropdown-mobile): Fixed the issue that the dropdownMenu component on the mobile client cannot be rendered properly. Also fixed the warning by @chenxi-20 in #80 of the dropDown component on the PC.
- fix: The expanded contents of the tabs component are covered and the returned value of multi-slect is increased by value by @TC-twwang in #81.
Other Changes
- docs: update by @kagol in #62
- docs: add english README and CONTRIBUTING by @kagol in #79
Exciting New Features 🎉
- feat(anchor): 新增anchor组件第一个功能:基本使用 by @chenxi-20 in #30
- feat(modal): 增加反馈弹窗modal组件 by @MNZhu in #19
- feat(button): 按钮组件样式修改 by @MNZhu in #21
- feat(multi-select): 增加下拉选择器multi-select组件 by @TC-twwang in #22
- feat(search): 搜索组件样式修改 by @MNZhu in #33
- feat(anchor): 添加锚点anchor组件onchange事件 by @chenxi-20 in #35
- feat(timeline): 时间线插槽作用域增加index属性 by @chenxi-20 in #39
- feat(timeline): timeline样式修改 by @MNZhu in #38
- feat(form): form组件增加自动换行 by @TC-twwang in #40
- feat(indexbar): 增加索引组件 by @MNZhu in #47
- feat(form): form组件增加自动换行-检视意见修改 by @TC-twwang in #54
- feat(anchor): 锚点组件增加固定模式,修复示例文档bug问题 by @chenxi-20 in #49
- feat(anchor): 修复检视意见,同步远程代码 by @chenxi-20 in #55
- feat(anchor): 调整anchor组件,让其可以适配主题配置 by @chenxi-20 in #57
- feat(badge): add badge-class close #50 by @kagol in #51
- feat(tag): add beforeDelete props by @kagol in #52
- feat(form): form组件增加自动换行-增加移动端条件校验 by @TC-twwang in #58
- feat(switch): add beforeChange props by @kagol in #59
- feat(fullscreen): add beforeChange props by @kagol in #61
- feat(badge): add offset props by @kagol in #63
- feat(tabs): tabs组件支持展开 by @TC-twwang in #60
- feat(split): add collapsible props by @kagol in #64
- feat(pull-refresh): pull-refresh组件支持上拉刷新 by @TC-twwang in #67
- feat(tabs): 增加tabs组件超出隐藏提示tip配置 by @chenxi-20 in #68
- feat(action-menu): 修复 ActionMenu 下拉后箭头旋转向上 by @MomoPoppy in #70
- feat(transfer): add beforeTransfer props by @kagol in #75
- feat(search): add prefix/suffix slots by @kagol in #77
Bug Fixes 🐛
- fix(ipaddress): form的示例增加numeric,ipaddress的校验示例 by @shenjunjian in #29
- fix: 修复构建错误 by @kagol in #25
- fix: 修复echarts和cropperjs依赖版本落后问题 by @yuanningning in #27
- fix(grid): 修复表格再虚拟滚动模式下,始终有横向滚动条问题 by @zzcr in #32
- fix(checkbox): 修复vue3模式下,checkbox-group的change事件触发2次的问题 by @shenjunjian in #31
- fix(anchor): 修复anchor组件MD文档说明 by @chenxi-20 in #34
- fix(milestone): 修复里程碑图标不对齐bug by @chenxi-20 in #37
- fix: 修复存在2个高度不一样的notify时,新增的notify高度错误 by @rayhaoqin in #26
- fix(switch): switch组件提示文字只在首次显示,切换开关状态后提示文字消失 by @yuanningning in #42
- fix(tiny-loading): 修复loading组件在vue2.0版本报错bug by @zzcr in #46
- fix(indexbar): 类命名整改 by @MNZhu in #56
- fix(dropdown): 修复 dropdown 下拉后箭头旋转向上 by @MomoPoppy in #45
- fix(cascader): 修复级联组件属性无法透传问题 by @rayhaoqin in #66
- fix(dropdown-mobile): 修复移动端组件dropdownMenu无法正常渲染的问题,顺带修复pc端dropDown...
What's Changed
Exciting New Features 🎉
- feat(table): The table component and demo by @MNZhu in #14 on the mobile client are added.
- feat(exception): Add the default page custom picture, modify the style by @MNZhu in #13
- feat(userhead): The mobile avatar component by @MNZhu in #12 is added.
Bug Fixes 🐛
- fix(readme): Fix the NPM download mode of the readme document by @zzcr in #5.
- fix: Fix project startup error by @zzcr in #11
- fix(grid): Fix the grid component personalized panel style exception bug by @zzcr in #17
- fix(vue): Fixed an actionmenu icon style misalignment issue by @chenxi-20 in #15
- Fix: The disabling time of different types of notify components is consistent with that of HUAWEI CLOUD specifications by @rayhaoqin in #20.
Other Changes
Exciting New Features 🎉
- feat(table): 新增移动端table组件和demo by @MNZhu in #14
- feat(exception): 增加缺省页自定义图片,样式修改 by @MNZhu in #13
- feat(userhead): 增加移动端头像组件 by @MNZhu in #12
Bug Fixes 🐛
- fix(readme): 修复readme文档npm下载方式 by @zzcr in #5
- fix: 修复项目启动报错 by @zzcr in #11
- fix(grid): 修复grid组件个性化面板样式异常bug by @zzcr in #17
- fix(vue): 修复actionmenu图标样式不对齐问题 by @chenxi-20 in #15
- fix: notify组件不同类型关闭时间对齐华为云规范 by @rayhaoqin in #20
Other Changes
New Contributors
- @zzcr made their first contribution in #5
- @MNZhu made their first contribution in #14
- @chenxi-20 made their first contribution in #15
- @rayhaoqin made their first contribution in #20
Full Changelog: