Releases: opentiny/tiny-vue
Releases · opentiny/tiny-vue
What's Changed
Exciting New Features 🎉
- feat(dropdown): [dropdown] Add visible attribute, support user-defined panel display and hide by @chenxi-20 in #2827
Bug Fixes 🐛
- fix(tooltip): remove :has selector on popper__arrow by @shenjunjian in #2830
- fix(grid): [grid] fix footer bug in visual scroll scene by @gimmyhehe in #2839
Full Changelog: v3.21.1...v3.21.2
What's Changed
Breaking Changes 🛠
Bug Fixes 🐛
- fix(grid): [grid] fix repeated trigger cell active when boardConfig.isEdit is set true by @gimmyhehe in #2770
- fix(grid): [grid] fix enter board event do not work by @gimmyhehe in #2788
- fix(grid): [grid] fix style error when dynamic group header is set fixed by @gimmyhehe in #2789
- fix(theme-tool): add theme-tool.d.ts for tinyOldTheme vars by @shenjunjian in #2795
- fix: fix all publish action run error by @zzcr in #2798
Other Changes
- docs: fix demo-list children miss width style by @gimmyhehe in #2769
Full Changelog: v3.21.0...v3.21.1
What's Changed
Exciting New Features 🎉
- feat(tiny-vue-nuxt): [tiny-vue-nuxt] add tiny-vue-nuxt module and add… by @18003228289 in #1761
- feat(tiny-vue-nuxt): [tiny-vue-nuxt] finish importing all components to nuxt module by @18003228289 in #1838
- fix(random): [random] use Math.random() instead to support SSR by @18003228289 in #1868
- feat: add nuxt dev environment by @zzcr in #1993
- feat: add mobile dependence by @zzcr in #2609
- feat: sync 3.20.0 to dev by @zzcr in #2639
- feat: support nuxt by @zzcr in #2635
- feat(dropdown): [dropdown] add right side expansion function for dropdown by @MomoPoppy in #2608
- feat: support nuxt by @kagol in #2641
- feat: add @opentiny/utils package by @zzcr in #2661
- feat(fluent-editor): add before-editor-init props by @kagol in #2670
- feat: [grid,alert,form]use catalog to globally upgrade vite and vitest; and add mobile build config by @zzcr in #2680
- feat(site): Optimize site documentation typesetting by @dufu1991 in #2688
- feat(site): optimize the performance of the official website, use lazy loading for document examples by @zzcr in #2713
- feat(nav-menu): [nav-menu] Add custom selected mode by @wuyiping0628 in #2718
- feat(nav-menu): [nav-menu] Simplify the demo data by @wuyiping0628 in #2728
- feat: add utils packages type module by @zzcr in #2731
- feat: update version to 3.21.0 by @zzcr in #2734
- feat: remove chart e2e-test cases by @zzcr in #2742
- feat(alert): [alert] display title when size is large by @wuyiping0628 in #2744
- feat: enhance the divider dialogbox treemenu function by @zzcr in #2758
- feat: update playground versions by @zzcr in #2763
- feat(alert): [alert] display title when size is large in mobile-first by @wuyiping0628 in #2765
Bug Fixes 🐛
- fix(crypto): [crypto] use nanoid instead to support SSR by @18003228289 in #1860
- fix(ssr): [ssr] fix ssr problems by @18003228289 in #1935
- fix(nuxt): update vue version to fix button slot error by @zzcr in #2026
- fix(plugin): [plugin] fix nuxt plugin by @18003228289 in #2220
- fix(plugin): [plugin] fix nuxt plugin by @18003228289 in #2212
- fix(chart): huiCharts打包替换为Chart by @Davont in #2622
- fix: fix slider compilation error in vue2 by @zzcr in #2625
- fix(tabbar): modify mobile tabbar problem by @James-9696 in #2638
- fix(dropdown-menu): fix mobile problem by @James-9696 in #2642
- fix(form): modify mobile form problem by @James-9696 in #2643
- fix(container): modify mobile problem by @James-9696 in #2646
- fix(dialog-box): modify mobile dialog-box problem by @James-9696 in #2644
- fix(select): [select] fix the vertical centering of the suffix icon by @MomoPoppy in #2645
- fix(tree-select): solve the problem of tree attributes not being passed through by @kagol in #2659
- fix(label): modify mobile bug by @James-9696 in #2672
- fix(input): modify mobile problem by @James-9696 in #2671
- fix(slider): modify mobile problem by @James-9696 in #2669
- fix(tree): default-expanded-keys description is wrong by @shenjunjian in #2667
- fix(checkbox): modify mobile problem by @James-9696 in #2666
- fix(form): modify mobile problem by @James-9696 in #2665
- fix(popover): remove aria-hidden by @shenjunjian in #2664
- fix(progress): modify mobile problem by @James-9696 in #2654
- fix(button): modify mobile problem by @James-9696 in #2660
- fix(auto-import-plugin): support functional components by @mengqiuleo in #2511
- fix: fix warning in cascader component by @zzcr in #2662
- fix(nuxt): fix the error when starting the nuxt project by @zzcr in #2668
- fix(unplugin-tiny-vue): fix error TinyVueResolver name by @shenjunjian in #2676
- fix(action-sheet): modify mobile problem by @James-9696 in #2692
- fix(pull-refresh): modify mobile bug by @James-9696 in #2677
- fix(exception): modify mobile problem by @James-9696 in #2690
- fix(file-upload): [file-upload] Optimized the usage of the customized upload example. by @chenxi-20 in #2694
- fix(vue-renderless): [action-menu, alert] fix site: Optimize site documentation typesetting by @dufu1991 in #2693
- fix: fix change theme error when open playground by @zzcr in #2681
- fix(vue-renderless): [autocomplete,base-select,amount,anchor,area] fix site: Optimize site documentation typesetting by @dufu1991 in #2695
- fix(mobile): fix mobile components build error by @zzcr in #2696
- fix(site): fix error when build saas site by @zzcr in #2701
- fix(mini-picker): the demo on the mobile client is modified. by @James-9696 in #2698
- fix(modal): modify the display and error issues of the mobile demo by @James-9696 in #2704
- fix(user-head): the problem and type of the demo on the mobile client are modified by @James-9696 in #2699
- fix(vue-renderless): [breadcrumb, bulletin-board, button, button-group,calendar, calendar-view, card, carousel, cascader, cascader-panel, chart,checkbox, collapse, color-picker, color-select-panel,company,config-provider,container,crop,currency,date-picker,dept,dialog-box,dialog-select,directives,divider,drawer,drop-roles,drop-times,dropdown,espace,fall-menu,file-upload,filter-panel,float-button,floatbar,flowchart,fluent-editor,form,fullscreen] fix site: Optimize site documentation typesetting by @dufu1991 in #2709
- fix(tabs): modify the issue of the mobile demo not displaying and reporting errors by @James-9696 in #2710
- fix(vue-renderless): [grid] fix site: Optimize site documentation typesetting by @dufu1991 in #2714
- fix(grid): [grid] fix the initial position on the left when dragging … by @gimmyhehe in #2719
- fix(statistic): [statistic] synchronize the statistic component of the release-3.18 version to the dev branch by @James-9696 in #2717
- fix(file-upload): modify the error reported by the upload component on the mobile client and add the demo by @James-9696 in #2724
- fix(input): [input] cancel bacground style of input count in textarea by @wNing50 in #2715
- fix(modal): [modal] repeatedly dispatch the close event by @betavs in #2573
- fix(vue-renderless): [grid-select,guide,hrapprover,hrapprover,icon,icon-multicolor,image,infinite-scroll,input,ip-address,layout,link,link-menu,loading,locales,logon-user,logout,milestone,mind-map,modal,nav-menu,notify,numeric,pager,pop-upload,popconfirm,popeditor,popover,progress,qr-code,query-builder] fix site: Optimize site documentation typesetting by @dufu1991 in #2721
- fix(modal): [modal] modifying the modal component and clicking the confirm button accidentally triggered the close event by @James-9696 in #2727
- fix(vue-renderless): [radio,rate,rich-text-editor,roles,scroll-text,search,select,skeleton,slider,split,statistic,steps,sticky,switch,tabs,tag,tag-group,text-popup,time-line,time-line-new,time-picker,time-select,toggle-menu,tooltip,transfer,tree,tree-menu,tree-select] fix site: Optimize site documentation typesetting by @dufu1991 in #2729
- fix(vite-import): fix the issue of escaping comment code in on-demand packaging plugin by @zzcr in
What's Changed
Exciting New Features 🎉
- feat(grid): [grid] inline pager add padding left by @gimmyhehe in #2449
- feat(card): [card] Optimize style by @Youyou-smiles in #2454
- feat(time-picker): [time-picker] Optimize and modify component style issues by @Youyou-smiles in #2452
- feat(locales): [locales] Optimize the style and demo by @Youyou-smiles in #2480
- feat(dept): [dept] Optimize style by @Youyou-smiles in #2487
- feat(card): Simplification and optimization of card components by @Youyou-smiles in #2496
- feat(theme): add old theme vars by @MomoPoppy in #2503
- feat(grid-select): [grid-select] add grid select component and implement single/multiple select features by @kagol in #2509
- feat(grid-select): [grid-select] add filter/config features and optimize demo/api docs by @kagol in #2521
- feat(input): [input,date-picker] adapt input date-picker to the old theme style by @zzcr in #2524
- feat(pager): [pager] adapt to pager old theme by @gimmyhehe in #2531
- feat(grid-select): [grid-select] add remote feature by @kagol in #2530
- feat(base-select): [base-select] optimize base select and fix some bugs by @kagol in #2532
- feat(theme): optimize the overall basic variables and update treeMenu css var by @zzcr in #2534
- feat(tree-select): [tree-select] add data init and optimize demo docs by @kagol in #2538
- feat(time-select): [time-select] Adapt to old components by @Youyou-smiles in #2525
- feat(date-picker): [date-picker] Adapt to the theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2544
- feat(guide): [guide] fix style issues in the old theme by @wuyiping0628 in #2547
- feat(steps): [steps] Adapting to the Default Theme by @chenxi-20 in #2549
- feat(old-theme): [dropdown,grid,tree] modify incorrect css vars by @MomoPoppy in #2551
- feat(grid): [grid] grid component adapt to old theme by @gimmyhehe in #2554
- feat(milestone): [milestone] Adapting to the Default Theme by @chenxi-20 in #2559
- feat: use catalog to uniformly manage pnpm project dependencies by @zzcr in #2560
- feat(milestone): [milestone] The example is modified to adapt to the default theme. by @chenxi-20 in #2561
- feat(modal): [modal] add e2e-test and update modal demo of problem by @James-9696 in #2567
- feat(form): [form] form component adapt to old theme by @gimmyhehe in #2562
- feat(color-picker, color-select-panel): [color-picker,color-select-panel] format by @GaoNeng-wWw in #2536
- feat(site): switch theme styles through routing by @shenjunjian in #2574
- feat(breadcrumb): [breadcrumb] modify delimiter by @wuyiping0628 in #2576
- feat(date-picker): [date-picker] Adapting to the old-theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2575
- feat: [select]reduce common package size by @zzcr in #2577
- feat(collapse): [collapse] fix style issues in the old theme by @wuyiping0628 in #2579
- feat: [config-provider] optimize global configuration component documentation by @zzcr in #2578
- feat: optimize basic variables and switch the overall rounded corner … by @zzcr in #2580
- feat: add space var to adapt to old theme by @gimmyhehe in #2581
- feat: unified upgrade version number by @zzcr in #2589
- feat: add design smb packages by @zzcr in #2591
- feat(numeric): [numeric] add step strategy of props by @James-9696 in #2584
- feat(locale): use Object.assign for better tree shaking by @gimmyhehe in #2595
- feat(theme): [button] submit the initial version of aurora-theme-vars by @MomoPoppy in #2596
- fix(site): add smb design-config support by @shenjunjian in #2599
- feat(bulletin-board): [bulletin-board] Add click events #2143 by @wuyiping0628 in #2601
Bug Fixes 🐛
- fix(popper-arrow): [tooltip, popover,dropdown] fix arrow's z-index, and remove popper-arrow class from popover,dropdown by @shenjunjian in #2446
- fix(tree): [tree] remove red color from demos by @shenjunjian in #2455
- fix(steps): repair bar step bar small gray dots by @chenxi-20 in #2459
- fix(tag): update tag's padding,border-radius by @shenjunjian in #2458
- fix(drawer): [drawer] modify icon and demo problem by @James-9696 in #2460
- fix(tree-select): add emit modelValue by @MomoPoppy in #2461
- fix(milestone): [milestone] repair component sample document by @chenxi-20 in #2463
- fix(drawer): [drawer] modify demo and icon by @James-9696 in #2465
- fix(steps): [steps] fix vertical single chain text styles by @chenxi-20 in #2466
- fix: grid radio add white background by @gimmyhehe in #2467
- fix(tag): remove mini size of tag by @shenjunjian in #2468
- fix(tree): [button,tree] update tree demos and the plain button's border color by @shenjunjian in #2470
- fix(dialog-box): [dialog-box] modify demo by @James-9696 in #2472
- fix(time-range): [date-picker,time-picker,select,action-menu] optimization demo and modify style for time-range by @MomoPoppy in #2481
- fix(drawer): [drawer] modify height props,setting the height of the left and right sliders by @James-9696 in #2484
- fix: [virtual-scroll-box] fixed the wrong class and horizontal scrol… by @zzcr in #2482
- fix: [grid] release319, update website to fix layout in small screen by @shenjunjian in #2493
- fix(tabs): [tabs] Optimize the tabs document by @chenxi-20 in #2497
- fix(site): fix Popper layers separate when scrolling through document by @shenjunjian in #2502
- fix(input): [input] fix input container 1px higher than input by @gimmyhehe in #2504
- fix(docs): [anchor] Optimize the anchor document. by @chenxi-20 in #2495
- fix(tree): [tree] fix parent node toggle when click child node margin by @gimmyhehe in #2501
- fix(site): fix scroll bugs by @shenjunjian in #2506
- fix(site): fix site api table style by @zzcr in #2507
- fix(docs): fix the wrong filename by @shenjunjian in #2510
- fix(tree-select): [tree-select] fix tree-select can't load data dynamically close #2287 by @kagol in #2500
- fix(time-select): [time-select]After manually modifying the time, the initial time cannot be selected again. by @mengqiuleo in #2415
- fix(input): [input] fixed the error when using v-if to switch back and forth after configuring the displayOnly attribute by @zzcr in #2527
- fix(calendar-view): [calendar-view] Fix bug with invalid calendar hei… by @Youyou-smiles in #2520
- fix(docs): Fixed an issue where the document demo disappears in github-markdown-css5.8.0. by @chenxi-20 in #2537
- fix(tabs): [tabs] Adapt to the old theme style by @chenxi-20 in #2523
- fix(base-select): [base-select] fix style issues in the old theme by @kagol in #2535
- fix(base-select): fix size style by @kagol in #2541
- fix(steps): [steps] Added the visibleNum prop. by @chenxi-20 in #2542
- fix(dropdown): [dropdown] fixed the data disorder issue caused by the composite scenario of two-layer components and self-invoking groups. by @zzcr in
What's Changed
Breaking Changes 🛠
- For a better user experience, starting from the @opentiny/[email protected] version, the overall default style of the component library has been switched to the new Opentiny Design style.
- feat(tooltip): [tooltip] add text content wrapper and content-max-height prop by @gimmyhehe in #1910
- refactor(charts): [charts] rename chart-core packages to huicharts-core by @Davont in #2027
Exciting New Features 🎉
- feat(virtual-scroll-box): add virtual-scroll-box component
- feat(virtual-tree): add virtual-tree component
- feat(sticky): add sticky component
- feat(anchor): [anchor] support mobile-first and saas theme by @chenxi-20 in #1920
- fix(numeric): [numeric] modify smb-theme by @James-9696 in #1915
- fix(modal): [modal] modify smb-theme by @James-9696 in #1914
- fix(form): [form] change x-design form label text color by @gimmyhehe in #1922
- fix(carousel): [carousel]modify carousel of xdesign theme by @James-9696 in #1908
- fix(drawer): [drawer]: modify smb-theme by @James-9696 in #1913
- fix(fall-menu): [fall-menu]modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #1870
- fix(dialog-box): [dialog-box] modify smb-theme by @James-9696 in #1912
- feat(grid): [grid] support resizable config by @gweesin in #1679
- feat(crop): [crop] update crop for smb design by @shenjunjian in #1843
- fix(pager): [pager] change pager XDesign theme by @gimmyhehe in #1938
- fix(select): [select] Adapt to select component smb theme by @MomoPoppy in #1948
- feat(input,autocomplete): [input,autocomplete] update input&autocompl… by @zzcr in #1950
- fix(dialog-box): [dialog-box] modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #1960
- fix(carousel): [carousel] modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #1962
- fix(drawer): [drawer] modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #1961
- fix(loading): [loading] fix loading new design review problem by @chenxi-20 in #1942
- fix(file-upload): [file-upload] Optimize the adaptation of new specifications based on the alignment comments. by @chenxi-20 in #1977
- feat(slider): [slider] Adapt slider component smb theme by @MomoPoppy in #1974
- fix(dropdown,actionMenu): [dropdown,action-menu] Adapt to Dropdown an… by @MomoPoppy in #1967
- feat(image): [image] Adapt to SMB themes by @MomoPoppy in #1895
- fix(theme): [tree,tooltip,transfer,cascader,input] update smb design for tree/tooltip/transfer/cascader components by @shenjunjian in #1970
- feat(tree-menu): [tree-menu] adapt to tree-menu smb themes by @wuyiping0628 in #1866
- feat(popeditor): [popeditor] Adapt popeditor component xdesign theme by @MomoPoppy in #1973
- fix(grid): [grid] change grid x-design theme by @gimmyhehe in #1984
- fix(dialog-box): [dialog-box] modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #1985
- feat(useLazyShow): add useLazyShow function by @shenjunjian in #1976
- feat(milestone): [milestone] Adapt milestone component smb theme by @MomoPoppy in #1996
- fix(carousel): [carousel] modify smb-theme by @James-9696 in #2004
- feat(wizard): [wizard] Add new specification wizard component by @chenxi-20 in #2000
- fix(notify): [notify, split] Dev update notifycrop split by @shenjunjian in #2020
- fix(link-menu): [link-menu] modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #2039
- feat(filter-panel): [filter-panel] Added filter panel new specification topic by @chenxi-20 in #2032
- feat(calendar-view): [calendar-view] Adapting to the SMB themes by @Youyou-smiles in #2031
- feat(steps): [steps] Add a new standard step bar for setting vertical dot attributes. by @chenxi-20 in #2042
- fix(checkbox): [checkbox]modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #2050
- fix(radio): [radio] modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #2052
- fix(dialog-box): [dialog-box] modify smb theme of demo by @James-9696 in #2048
- fix(grid): [grid] change grid-toolbar x-design theme by @gimmyhehe in #2060
- fix(theme): [popover,cascader,transfer,tooltip] update smb design for popover,cascader,transfer,tooltip by @shenjunjian in #2058
- fix(dialog-box): [dialog-box] modify smb theme of demo by @James-9696 in #2069
- feat(steps): [steps] Refresh the design specifications for styles that are not designed. by @chenxi-20 in #2071
- feat(search): [search] The vertical bar on the right of the star theme close button is added. by @chenxi-20 in #2084
- feat(popconfirm): [popconfirm] Adapting to the SMB theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2085
- feat(search): [search] Adding borderless examples in mini mode by @chenxi-20 in #2091
- feat(form): [form] x-design theme refresh by @gimmyhehe in #2093
- feat(grid): [grid] x-design theme refresh by @gimmyhehe in #2094
- feat(time-picker): [time-picker] updata time frame xdesign by @wuyiping0628 in #2092
- feat(tree-menu): [tree-menu] updata tree-menu xdesign by @wuyiping0628 in #2095
- feat(load-list): add load-list components by @zzcr in #2098
- feat(button-group): [button-group] Adapting to the SMB theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2099
- feat(steps): [steps] The stateless step style is added to the step bar, and the itemFooter slot is added. by @chenxi-20 in #2110
- feat(button): [button] Adapting to the SMB theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2104
- feat(badge): [badge] Adapting to the SMB theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2107
- feat(button): [button] Adapting to the SMB theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2120
- feat(guide): [guide] replace x with close-icon by @wuyiping0628 in #2121
- feat(pager): [pager] add simplest pager to adaptive x-design by @gimmyhehe in #2126
- feat(carousel): [carousel]modify smb theme and add props by @James-9696 in #2125
- feat(switch): [switch] Adapting to the SMB theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2112
- feat(drop-times): [drop-times] Adapting to the SMB theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2118
- fix(theme): [tree,tooltip,transfer, cascader] update unsolved smb components by @shenjunjian in #2124
- feat(modal): [modal] modify demo by @James-9696 in #2129
- feat(checkbox): [checkbox] Adapting to the SMB theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2130
- feat: [input] add new vars less by @zzcr in #2128
- feat(steps): [steps] Node line alignment by @chenxi-20 in #2116
- feat(radio): [radio] Adapting to the SMB theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2132
- feat(modal): [modal] modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #2146
- feat(fluent-editor): add format painter by @kagol in #2149
- feat(grid): [grid] grid custom panel adapt to x-design by @gimmyhehe in #2152
- feat(dialog-box): [dialog-box] modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #2147
- feat(button): [button] Adapting to the SMB theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2148
- feat(drawer): [drawer] modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #2150
- feat(carousel): [carousel] modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #2153
- feat: optimize theme style variables by @zzcr in #2157
- feat(dropdown): [dropdown,select,slider] Adapt to xdesign themes by @MomoPoppy in https://g...
What's Changed
Exciting New Features 🎉
- feat(tree-select): [tree-select] add tree-select component by @kagol in #1683
- feat: support solidjs (#1566) by @zzcr in #1682
- feat(tree-menu)[tree-menu]: clearable by @GaoNeng-wWw in #1672
- feat(tabs): [tabs] Add new specification function by @chenxi-20 in #1762
- feat(search): [search] add disabled functionality to the search component and adapt to new specifications by @chenxi-20 in #1756
- feat(fluent-editor): add mobile-first template by @kagol in #1763
- feat(Switch): [switch] suppor custom open and close icon. by @AcWrong02 in #1551
- feat(runtime): add directive runtime by @zzcr in #1784
- fix(warning): fix all warning , fix dialog-box's visible ,default false by @shenjunjian in #1792
- feat(fluent-editor): optimize fluent-editor mobile-first by @kagol in #1794
- feat(file-upload): [file-upload]刷新上传组件新规范 by @chenxi-20 in #1811
- feat(pager): [pager] add new props total-fixed-left by @gimmyhehe in #1819
- develop split for smb-design theme by @shenjunjian in #1830
- feat(fall-menu): [fall-menu]modify smb-theme by @James-9696 in #1842
- feat(bulletin-board): [bulletin-board] updata bulletin-board xdesign by @wuyiping0628 in #1844
- feat(link-menu): [link-menu]modify smb-theme by @James-9696 in #1846
- feat(nav-menu): [nav-menu] updata nav-menu xdesign by @wuyiping0628 in #1849
- feat(pop-upload): [pop-upload] 刷新popupload规范,增加uploadTip插槽 by @chenxi-20 in #1850
- feat(pop-upload): [pop-upload] 刷新popupload规范,表格头部优化,增加上传数据统计能力,修复长度限制bug by @chenxi-20 in #1852
- feat(toggle-menu): [toggle-menu] add smb theme by @James-9696 in #1861
- feat(color-select-panel): [color-select-panel]modify smb-theme by @James-9696 in #1837
- fix(button): [button] add ts declaration for button , and remove hook-updated … by @shenjunjian in #1853
- fix (anchor): [anchor] Fix the issue that the scrolling response lags after the anchor is clicked. Add a tooltip to adapt to the SaaS theme. by @chenxi-20 in #1892
Bug Fixes 🐛
- fix(unplugin-virtual-template): fix build internals error in node v18.19.1 by @gweesin in #1676
- fix(vue-renderless): [radio] fix handleKeydown blocking default events and bubble logic by @Nowitzki41 in #1650
- fix: fix pnpm site error by @kagol in #1702
- chore(fluent-editor): update package.json by @kagol in #1721
- fix(docs): fix components number by @zzcr in #1754
- fix(tree-menu): [tree-menu] resolve the issue of disabled treemenu components not taking effect by @wuyiping0628 in #1736
- fix(auto-tip): [auto-tip] Fix the issue where the placement configuration always has old values by @MomoPoppy in #1774
- fix(rich-text-editor): [rich-text-editor] fix data binding doen't work by @gweesin in #1779
- fix(playground): could not open playground as Composition mode by @gweesin in #1787
- fix(picker): fix mobile breakpoint cannot use pc datepicker and timep… by @gweesin in #1678
- fix(fluent-editor): fix toolbar icon and undo/redo by @kagol in #1786
- fix: fix layout asider layer error on mobile mode by @gweesin in #1778
- fix(color-picker): [color-picker,color-select-panel] fix issue 1684 by @GaoNeng-wWw in #1686
- fix: fix Vue packages version mismatch by @kagol in #1791
- fix(fluent-editor): fix better-table module by @kagol in #1788
- fix(fluent-editor): fix image module and optimize toolbar style by @kagol in #1799
- fix(form): [form] fix text validation style error in other size form … by @gimmyhehe in #1798
- fix(tree-menu): [tree-menu] Delete the prefix-icon attribute of the tree-menu component by @wuyiping0628 in #1789
- fix(grid): fix grid click menu item jump to blank tab in playground c… by @gimmyhehe in #1802
- fix(fluent-editor): fix error when execute pnpm site by @kagol in #1815
- fix(fluent-editor): fix fluent-editor saas theme by @kagol in #1814
- fix(form): [form] fix content not aligned when display only close #1698 by @gimmyhehe in #1805
- fix(warning): fix unocss version conflicts by @gweesin in #1825
- fix(playground): fix old version runtime not found close #1817 by @gimmyhehe in #1818
- fix(fluent-editor): fix style error by @kagol in #1829
- fix(fluent-editor): fix style missing by @kagol in #1831
- fix(fluent-editor): fix console warn by @kagol in #1833
- fix(select): [select] Adapt to multiple+disabled+displayOnly scenarios with different themes by @MomoPoppy in #1835
- fix(fluent-editor): fix tasklist format by @kagol in #1845
- fix(base-select): [base-select] fix check all style by @kagol in #1848
- fix(form): [form] fix dynamic change size fail in prod mode by @gimmyhehe in #1857
- fix(theme): [anchor] Fixed the theme switch bug and the anchor line color under the default theme. by @chenxi-20 in #1854
- fix(pop-confirm): [pop-confirm] remove m funtion from pc template by @shenjunjian in #1863
- fix(build): fix some bugs when build components by @zzcr in #1873
- fix(theme): Fixed the issue that multiple root files are generated when the theme is packaged. by @chenxi-20 in #1893
Other Changes
- chore(base-select): [base-select] add mark and metaData by @kagol in #1681
- chore: update workflow node-version to 20 by @kagol in #1742
- docs(changelog): update changelog and runtime doc by @zzcr in #1749
- feat: update site design style by @zzcr in #1752
- docs(sites): fix docs typo by @gimmyhehe in #1758
- docs(tree-select): [tree-select] optimize demo/api docs by @kagol in #1743
- docs(fluent-editor): optimize demo/api docs by @kagol in #1757
- docs(grid): add grid-column props docs by @gimmyhehe in #1782
- docs(dialog-box): [dialog-box] update document by @James-9696 in #1732
- docs(numeric): [numeric]optimized docs of numeric component by @James-9696 in #1753
- docs(button-group): add new slot api version by @gimmyhehe in #1797
- docs(fluent-editor): optimize fluent-editor mobile-first docs by @kagol in #1804
- fix(numeric): modify docs by @James-9696 in #1803
- feat: update vue-docs by @zzcr in #1810
- docs(fluent-editor): optimize fluent-editor pc docs by @kagol in #1807
- docs(theme): add custom cssvar variable prefix documentation by @zzcr in #1806
- feat(link): add link‘s typescript and docs by @shenjunjian in #1816
- feat(readme): add readme files to main packages by @zzcr in #1826
- docs(fluent-editor): add fluent-editor docs by @kagol in #1834
- docs(fluent-editor): optimize mobile-first demo by @kagol in #1836
- ci: add automate script to transform demos to add "Tiny" prefix by @gimmyhehe in #1832
New Contributors
- @Nowitzki41 made their first contribution in #1650
- @Simon-He95 made their first contribution in #1839
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
Exciting New Features 🎉
- feat(fluent-editor): add fluent-editor component by @kagol
- feat(base-select): [base-select,select] add base-select by @kagol in #1632
- feat(runtime): add all、pc、mobile、mobile-first、simple runtime by @zzcr in #1662
- feat(base-select): [select,base-select] add panel slot by @kagol in #1663
- feat(components): [drawer] enable open event by @betavs in #1527
- feat: update mobile first template by @zzcr in #1697
- feat(breadcrumb): [breadcrumb] adapts to xdesign theme by @wuyiping0628 in #1693
Bug Fixes 🐛
- fix(button-group): [button-group] Fixed I18n by @You-Hw-Y in #1689
- fix(timeline): [timeline] add vertical description to node description slot by @wuyiping0628 in #1685
- fix(dialog-box): update style problem by @James-9696 in #1674
- fix(nav-menu): [nav-menu] resolve the issue of current component not being highlighted by @wuyiping0628 in #1695
- fix(chart): [chart] Fixed baidu chart example and chart-core bug by @Davont in #1691
- fix(theme): update scrollbar width to 8px by @gimmyhehe in #1668
- fix(pager): all theme use same svg to show dot by @gimmyhehe in #1673
Other Changes
- docs: optimize component category by @kagol in #1626
- docs: add carousel component of demo by @James-9696 in #1609
- ci(runtime): add runtime git action by @zzcr in #1667
- docs(date-picker): [date-picker] Optimization Cases by @You-Hw-Y in #1690
- build(runtime): update runtime playgroud by @zzcr in #1669
New Contributors
- @zhangpaopao0609 made their first contribution in #1654
Full Changelog: v3.16.0...v3.17.0
What's Changed
Exciting New Features 🎉
- feat(tabs): [tabs] Add panel configuration function to adapt to the n… by @chenxi-20 in #1547
- fix(cascader): [cascader] add smb theme by @wuyiping0628 in #1584
- fix(checkbox): [checkbox,checkbutton] Improve Checkbox and CheckButton accessibility. by @AcWrong02 in #1581
- fix(button & button-grounp): [button, button-group]improve the accessibility by @AcWrong02 in #1586
- feat(Drawer): [Drawer]support custom whether confirm event close the drawer and improve the type declaration by @AcWrong02 in #1588
Bug Fixes 🐛
- fix(sites): change tinyui-design-common script link by @gimmyhehe in #1539
- fix(tabs): [tabs] Fix the bug where the name is empty caused by using… by @chenxi-20 in #1549
- fix(modal): the width of the modal box can be displayed in the center as the browser window size changes by @James-9696 in #1554
- fix(dialog-box): [dialog-box] fix issue #1242 by @Rainer-Yu in #1550
- fix(carousel): [carousel] fix issue #1543 by @Zcating in #1548
- fix(grid): [grid] fix nested grid context menu error by @gimmyhehe in #1578
- fix(grid): [grid] fix simple custom setting selected value not match … by @gimmyhehe in #1580
- fix(grid): [grid] fix remote filter default value by @gimmyhehe in #1574
- fix(rich-text-editor): code overflow by @GaoNeng-wWw in #1590
- fix(grid): [grid] fix tableWidth error when all column has min-width by @gimmyhehe in #1595
- fix(grid): [grid] fix shadow-root does not have getAttribute function by @gimmyhehe in #1593
- fix[DatePicker]: [DatePicker]fix the tabindex's default value to 0 by @AcWrong02 in #1589
- fix(modal): the modal prompt box is compatible with the position of titles and content icons by @James-9696 in #1570
- fix(file-upload): [file-upload] Fix the hidden feature bug in props.isHidden by @chenxi-20 in #1614
- fix(file-upload): [file-upload] Fix the hidden feature bug in props.isHidden by @chenxi-20 in #1617
Other Changes
- docs: add v3.15.0 changelog by @kagol in #1537
- docs: update vue-docs version by @kagol in #1541
- fix(skeleton): [skeleton] update document by @wuyiping0628 in #1577
- perf(theme-mobile): remove css vars from :root to root class of compo… by @Huangyilin19 in #1579
- fix(anchor): [anchor] Correcting Ambiguity in Anchor Document Descrip… by @chenxi-20 in #1569
- docs: add description and keywords for seo by @kagol in #1592
- doc: [charts] 更新图表的 API 文档,增加 options 使用方法 by @Davont in #1600
- test(button-group): [button-group] Supplement button-group component test case by @trueLoving in #1596
- docs[Carousel]: [carousel] improve the document of Carousel Component by @AcWrong02 in #1571
- fix: optimization statistic component by @James-9696 in #1608
- feat: update chart docs by @zzcr in #1623
New Contributors
- @Rainer-Yu made their first contribution in #1550
- @Zcating made their first contribution in #1548
- @trueLoving made their first contribution in #1596
Full Changelog: v3.15.0...v3.16.0
What's Changed
Breaking Changes 🛠
- remove CreditCardForm component
- remove DetailPage component
- remove SlideBar component
Exciting New Features 🎉
- feat(chart-process): add Process Chart component by @Davont
- feat(statistic): statistic component by @James-9696 in #1491
- feat(sites): add theme route by @gimmyhehe in #1478 #1479
- fix(transfer ): update transfer xdesign by @James-9696 in #1496
- feat(form): [form] add xDesign theme by @gimmyhehe in #1507
- feat(action-menu): [action-menu] add XDesign theme by @gimmyhehe in #1514
- feat(date-picker): [date-picker] date picker add quarter type by @kagol in #1513
- feat(select): add show-proportion props of select component by @James-9696 in #1503
- feat(rich-text-editor): [rich-text-editor] add image drag adjustment by @HAOUEHF in #1504
- feat(grid): [grid] add XDesign theme by @gimmyhehe in #1518
- feat: Adapting to the X-design theme by @zzcr in #1534
- feat(charts): refactor chart components and replace chart-core with hui-charts by @Davont
- refactored the underlying chart-core library which is used by all chart components
- chart-core uses hui-charts instead of echarts as the underlying logic of the chart
- chart components add a unified entry
based on the original API to facilitate unified calls - improved documentation and demos for all chart components
- add theme switching function to adapt to different business needs
- add chart status function
, providing 5 states:loading
Bug Fixes 🐛
- fix(site): anchor offset by @GaoNeng-wWw in #1477
- fix(select): fix select/picker bugs by @zzcr in #1487
- fix(vue-component): [mind-map] border-radius & border by @GaoNeng-wWw in #1510
- fix(quarter-panel): [date-picker] add mono: true by @kagol in #1519
- fix: Custom header height of dialog-box by @James-9696 in #1530
- fix(search): [search] fixed the maxlength attribute bug in search by @chenxi-20 in #1528
- fix(rich-text-editor): fix right package name by @shenjunjian in #1535
- fix(docs): fix the issue of the theme switch button not being centered by @chenxi-20 in #1533
- fix(AMap): fix the problem of failure to display the AMap case in the document by @Davont
- fix(chart-heatMap): fix tooltip display error in bar-chart by @Davont
- fix(chart-bar): fix the problem of abnormal gap display when the histogram width is too low by @Davont
- fix(chart-histogram): fix the problem of histogram chart displaying blank in special scenarios by @Davont
Other Changes
- docs(sites): add deep style in scoped by @gimmyhehe in #1473
- fix(ip-address): [ip-address] add spaces by @wuyiping0628 in #1475
- docs(steps): optimization of steps docs by @Huangyilin19 in #1474
- docs: add project name to issue template by @kagol in #1486
- docs(grid): [grid] fix tree-grid-insert-delete-update demo by @gimmyhehe in #1495
- docs(sites): fix site overview input error by @gimmyhehe in #1499
- docs: update changelog by @kagol in #1501
- [select] Optimized remote search demo by @Huangyilin19 in #1488
- ci(publish): add github action auto publish by @zzcr in #1512
- docs(date-picker): [date-picker] fix format docs by @kagol in #1522
- docs(Numeric): [examples] add the description of change-compat for ch… by @AcWrong02 in #1521
- docs(sites): add aui adapter document by @gimmyhehe in #1516
- ci(publish): add dispatch publish action by @zzcr in #1517
- fix: update numeric demo style by @James-9696 in #1526
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.14.0...v3.15.0
What's Changed
Exciting New Features 🎉
- feat(vue): [mind-map] mindmap by @GaoNeng-wWw in #1207
- feat(skeleton): skeleton component by @mengqiuleo in #1345
- feat(float-button): [float-button] add float-button by @fanbingbing16 in #1394
- feat(card): [card] add card component by @shenjunjian
- feat auto import plugin by @mengqiuleo in #1397
- feat(time-line): refresh ui by @MNZhu in #1281
- feat(numeric): refresh ui by @MNZhu in #1258
- styles(action-sheet): [action-sheet] add action-sheet type by @jxhhdx in #1307
- styles(amount): [amount] add amount types by @jxhhdx in #1310
- styles(fall-menu): [fall-menu] add fall-menu types by @jxhhdx in #1315
- styles(tree-menu): [tree-menu] add tree-menu types by @jxhhdx in #1316
- styles(collapse): [collapse] add collapse types by @jxhhdx in #1317
- styles(drawer): [drawer] add drawer types by @jxhhdx in #1318
- styles(autocomplete): [autocomplete] add autocomplete types by @jxhhdx in #1322
- style(tag-group): [tag-group] improve ts types of components by @Floyd-bit in #1323
- styles(cascader): [cascader] add cascader types by @jxhhdx in #1324
- style(popconfirm): [popconfirm] improve typescript declaration of components by @Floyd-bit in #1325
- style(rate): [rate] improve typescript declaration of components by @Floyd-bit in #1328
- styles(ip-address): [ip-address] add ip-address types by @jxhhdx in #1329
- styles(async-flowchart): [async-flowchart] add async-flowchart types by @jxhhdx in #1312
- styles(area): [area] add area types by @jxhhdx in #1311
- feat(dialog-box): [dialog-box] make the dialogBox drag outside the window by @wNing50 in #1268
- style(user-head): [user-head] improve typescript declaration of compo… by @Floyd-bit in #1380
- fix(carousel ): [carousel] update carousel xdesign by @James-9696 in #1422
- fix(badge): [badge] update badge xdesign by @You-Hw-Y in #1420
- feat(date-picker): [date-picker] support xdesign by @kagol in #1417
- feat(slider): [slider] marks supported, input range supported by @yoyo201626 in #1429
- [drawer] fix smb theme by @Huangyilin19 in #1411
- feat(vue): add vue sub packages dependencies by @gimmyhehe in #1424
- fix(transfer ): [transfer] update transfer xdesign by @James-9696 in #1419
- fix(skeleton): [skeleton]add skeleton of smb theme by @James-9696 in #1410
- feat(loading): [loading] smb theme by @yoyo201626 in #1431
- fix(Switch): [Switch] add keydown support and improth the accessibility by @AcWrong02 in #1428
- feat(vue): [popconfirm] add popper-options props by @gimmyhehe in #1439
- feat(theme/input): [input] smb theme by @yoyo201626 in #1463
- feat(search): [search] Increase input maximum character limit attribu… by @chenxi-20 in #1457
- feat(search): refresh ui by @MNZhu in #1469
Bug Fixes 🐛
- fix(build): fix build error and update versions by @zzcr in #1254
- fix(calendar-view): [calendar-view] week display error by @Jevin0 in #1241
- fix(time): [time-picker] Scroll to the specified position on the second click by @wNing50 in #1169
- fix(slider): [slider] In input box mode, set the min attribute to a n… by @AcWrong02 in #1202
- feat(relase) sync relase to dev by @zzcr in #1306
- fix: fix tsconfig for not Vue projects by @xiejay97 in #1342
- fix(cli): package.json missing dependency when create ui by @mengqiuleo in #1339
- fix(site): async-highlight lost reactivity by @GaoNeng-wWw in #1344
- fix(grid): [grid] fix the abnornal blank block when quantity from 500… by @wNing50 in #1321
- fix(pull-refresh): fix pull up by @MNZhu in #1235
- fix(col): [layout] Fix Vue warning with configuration span of 24 by @falcon-jin in #1272
- fix(numeric): [numeric] Fix Bug caused by initial value greater than maximum by @wkif in #1284
- fix(timeline): [time-line] fix console error about
event click undefined
by @gweesin in #1297 - fix(dropdown): [dropdown] Fix the issue of dropdown component causing warning messages in the console: Component emitted event "is-disabled" but it is neither declared in the emits option by @liumingxiy in #1356
- fix(tree-menu): [tree-menu]fix treeMenu error in vue2 by @zzcr in #1371
- fix(anchor):[anchor]When the anchor component has a default currentLink, the style is not the expected style by @fanbingbing16 in #1368
- fix(date-picker): [date-picker] fixed the issue that entering date did not work by @kagol in #1386
- fix(modal): [modal] The Modal Modal box component should not automatically close when hovering over a message with type="message" by @AcWrong02 in #1377
- fix(mobile-first): fix mobile-first components bugs by @zzcr in #1426
- fix(renderless): fix designConfig error by @gimmyhehe in #1423
- fix(types): fix button group ts type warning by @gimmyhehe in #1430
- fix(watermark): [watermark] fix the pic watermark above the content by @wNing50 in #1425
- fix(theme/notify): [notify] fix notify title white-space by @yoyo201626 in #1413
- style(rich-text-editor): [rich-text-editor] css variable error by @Jevin0 in #1367
- fix: fix theme tool by @kagol in #1433
- fix(ci): delete e2e-comment useless 'echo' by @yoyo201626 in #1440
- fix(vue/grid/src/edit/src/methods): [grid] fix-1383 The activeMethod … by @David-TechNomad in #1407
- fix(ci): fix e2e test pr commment by @yoyo201626 in #1466
- fix(time-picker): fix time-picker components bug by @You-Hw-Y in #1461
- fix(theme/notify): [notify] word-break by @yoyo201626 in #1464
Other Changes
- chore: [date-picker] config playwright timezoneId by @kagol in #1253
- build(internal): fix inline chunk error by @gimmyhehe in #1256
- feat(switch): [switch] amend demo and API bug of switch by @You-Hw-Y in #1257
- test(tag): [tag] improve unit testing of components by @Floyd-bit in #1261
- fix(build): fix build error and update versions by @zzcr in #1269
- docs(components): [anchor] Test document walkthrough by @chenxi-20 in #1274
- test(wizard): [wizard] improve unit testing of components by @Floyd-bit in #1275
- fix(collapse): [collapse] fix collapse api type by @wuyiping0628 in #1271
- test(TimeSelect): improve unit testing of TimeSelect Component by @AcWrong02 in #1270
- docs(sites): [grid] add custom pager in grid demo by @gimmyhehe in #1288
- docs(sites): add v3.13.0 changelog by @zzcr in #1278
- feat(playground): add 3.13 version and change layoutReverse default by @gimmyhehe in #1291
- docs(progress): [progress] Optimization Merge Example by @chenxi-20 in #1282
- feat(popconfirm): [popconfirm] optimize docs and API by @You-Hw-Y in #1301
- test(user-head): [user-head] improve unit testing of components by @Floyd-bit in