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Generating Randomness in a Deterministic Environment

Ethereum Smart Contract Node.js Truffle Ganache

Term Paper

This project was developed as a term paper for the ZHAW CAS Big Data Analytics, Blockchain, and Distributed Ledger course. It aims to implement a lottery ticket system using an Ethereum Smart Contract to explore methods of generating random numbers in a deterministic environment.

see semesterarbeit.pdf

Key Features

  • Implementation of a lottery ticket as an Ethereum Smart Contract.
  • Examination of methods for generating random numbers on the blockchain.
  • Provision of a web interface for interacting with the Smart Contract.

Architecture Overview

The application comprises three main components:

  1. Smart Contract: Developed in Solidity and deployed on the Ethereum blockchain.
  2. Web Interface: A React-based application for interacting with the Smart Contract.
  3. Blockchain Network: A local Ethereum network provided by Ganache for development and testing purposes.



  • Compile Smart Contract >> ./ --build
  • Run Smart Contract >> ./ --run
  • Create Term Paper >> ./ --documentation


ganache-cli -p 7545 -d

cd smart-contract
truffle compile
truffle migrate --reset

cd ../web/
npm start


This Proof of Concept application is NOT for production use.

This software is provided as source code under an MIT license (see LICENSE)